Eczema is an extremely uncomfortable and bothersome skin condition, that not only makes the skin scaly, itchy, red and inflamed but also marks the skin with unwanted dry patches that is awfully embarrassing and literally gives your self-confidence a toss.

Medically termed as atopic dermatitis, the dry, scaly, inflamed skin usually stems from imbalances in the healthy immune system. In chronic conditions, there can be reiterating eczema flareups and it can even lead to blisters with liquid oozing out.

Get Relief From Dry, Itchy Skin With Our Wide-Range Of Essential Oils And Skin Care Products!

In accordance with the American Academy of Dermatology, the most common causative factors are family history and genetic components (i.e. mutation in the filaggrin gene). Although, it is still cloudy as to how genetics affect occurrence of eczema, but parents diagnosed with this condition, are likely to have kids with similar skin anomalies. Other common factors include skin irritants in the form of perfumes, detergents, soaps, type of fabric, lack of moisture, temperature, pollen, dust mites, molds and even food allergy.

Also Read: Eczema: Soothe Your Skin With These Amazing Natural Remedies

Even though, the constant itching and inflammation is extremely frustrating, the good news is that this skin condition is totally treatable with certain lifestyle changes and incorporating some common home remedies.

And here comes, your ultimate hero in the form of Essential Oils.

What Are Essential Oils?

Essential Oils are pure concentrated tinctures obtained via the cold-compression distillation method from various herbs, roots, seeds and leaves. They are usually diluted by a carrier oil or water and used for various purposes. Be it aromatherapy, or any skin woe, these diluted essential oils successfully manages different types of skin and health conditions.

In a case study published in the Grand Rounds, a methodology of medical education and inpatient care, suggests that certain selective essential oils hold high significance in treating chronic as well as mild form of eczema. Oils like tea tree, lemon, bergamot, witch hazel, lavender, niaouli are extremely effective in soothing red inflamed skin, reduce itchiness and increase absorption.

We bring you a simple skin care ritual infused with essential oils comprising of a Scrub, Face Mask And Moisturizer. When followed religiously thrice a week, it fortuitously treats eczema, and the underlying painful symptoms, bequeathing one with a flawless, radiant skin.

eczema rituals

3 Step Skin Ritual For Eczema

Oatmeal- Witch Hazel Oil Face Scrub


2 tbsp oatmeal

1 tsp raw honey

5 drops of witch hazel essential oil

1 tsp curd


Grind the oatmeal into a coarse powder.

Beat all the ingredients into a paste.

Slather it across your face and neck.

Let it dry for 15 minutes.

Wash off with luke-warm water.

How It Works:

Imbued with strong anti-inflammatory properties, witch hazel essential oil works like magic to soothe inflammation, itchiness and redness. While oatmeal scourges away the deal skin cells and clears the pores, honey and curd prevents bacterial infection and wards off any further spread of eczema.

Also Checkout: 5 Splendid Overnight Benefits Of Honey For Ravishing Skin -Infographic

Aloe-Nutmeg Face Mask


1 tbsp nutmeg powder

1 tbsp gram flour

2 tbsp aloe vera gel

5 drops lavender essential oil

Pinch of turmeric


Blend the aloe vera gel, nutmeg powder and lavender essential oil into a coarse paste.

Apply it all over the face and neck.

Allow it to dry for 5 – 10 minutes.

Wash off with luke warm water.

How It Works:

The incredible exfoliative nature of nutmeg gently removes the dead skin cells, whereas aloe vera gel soothes and hydrates the skin and prevents dryness. Blessed with potent anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric speeds up wound healing, disinfects the area and helps get rid of inflammation. The addition of lavender essential oil relieves pain and inflammation caused due to constant itching in the affected area.

cocoa moisturiser

Cocoa-Tea Tree Moisturizer


4-5 tbsp cocoa butter

2-3 tbsp olive oil

1-2 tbsp coconut oil

4-5 drops of tea tree essential oil


Melt the cocoa butter in a double boiler.

Add both the oils into it and keep it inside the freezer for 5-6 minutes.

Use a beater to whip the cream till it becomes a frothy gel.

Store it in an airtight jar for future use.

How It Works:

The abundance of fatty acids in cocoa butter hydrates the skin and helps in retaining moisture. The anti-bacterial properties of both olive and coconut oil prevent any other bacterial infection and soften the affected area. The addition of tea tree oil curbs itching diminishes inflammation and bestows a soothing sensation.