Blepharitis is a medical condition of the eye characterised by inflammation of the eyelids. It usually affects the portion of the eyelids where eyelashes stem from and occur simultaneously in both eyes.

Blepharitis develops when the oil-secreting glands in the eyelids, known as meibomian glands, get blocked due to infection from certain microbes or various other factors.


In most instances, it is a chronic disorder that gives rise to constant irritation and prominent reddening of the eyes. Although blepharitis can be rather unsightly, it is treatable and not contagious. Also Read: Itchy Eyes? These Allergens Could Be The Cause


Blepharitis can be caused due to numerous reasons such as:

  • Allergies from eye medications or eye makeup
  • Seborrheic dermatitis, a fungal skin disorder wherein dandruff occurs in the scalp and eyebrows.
  • Bacterial infections
  • Abnormal functioning of oil glands in eyelids leading to their clogging
  • Rosacea


  • The distinguishing symptoms of blepharitis include:
  • Frequent watering in eyes
  • Redness in both eyes, due to infection
  • Oily discharge from eyelids
  • Stinging sensation with major discomfort in the eyes
  • Itching and swelling of eyelids
  • Increased sensitivity of the eyes to light
  • Rapid falling of eyelash hair

Diagnosis And Treatment

The eye doctor or ophthalmologist will initially examine the eyes and eyelids of the patient, using a magnifying instrument, to look for any irregular bulges or redness. Moreover, in case any oil secretions are present, the healthcare provider collects a sample using a swab, to determine if any microbial contamination such as bacteria or fungi is present in the eyelids of the individual.

Once the diagnosis of blepharitis is confirmed, the doctor recommends appropriate treatment measures depending upon the severity of the inflammation.

In situations of mild discomfort with minimal swelling, the doctor suggests to routinely apply a warm compress to pacify the redness in addition to washing the eyes regularly with lukewarm water. Also Read: Global Handwashing Day 2019: The Importance Of Sanitizing For Healthier Living


Blepharitis would lead to complications if not addressed promptly. Some of the complications include:

Eyelash Issues

Blepharitis can cause eyelashes to fall out, grow misdirected or lose natural colour.

Eyelid Skin Problems

Long-term blepharitis can cause scarring of the eyelids and the edges may turn inward or outward.

Dry Eyes

Abnormal oil secretions and other waste shed from eyelids like flaking from dandruff, can get accumulated in tear film, the water, oil and mucus solution that form tears. This interferes with maintaining your eyelids moist and can irritate eyes and result in dry eyes.


A stye is an infection that happens near the base of the eyelashes that leads to a painful lump. A stye is typically visible on the surface of the eyelid.


A chalazion develops when there’s a blockage in small oil glands at the margin of the eyelids. This causes inflammation of the gland, which makes the eyelid swell and redden.

Chronic Pink Eye

Blepharitis can increase the risk of recurrent bouts of pink eye(conjunctivitis).

Corneal Injury

Regular irritation from inflamed eyelids can cause soreness to develop on your cornea. Not having adequate tears can increase the risk of a corneal infection.

However, if the instance of blepharitis is severe with immense soreness, red eyes flaking and oily discharge from eyelashes, then the doctor prescribes oral medications to fight the infection as well as topical steroidal eye drops or ointments to control the inflammation.