In recent years, the ever-changing beauty world has witnessed a growing dependency of the general populace on natural and organic skincare components. And on that note, derived from deep within the Earth’s crust, lies a hidden treasure prized for its outstanding skin care properties that have fascinated the interest of scientists, industry professionals, and skincare enthusiasts alike. Any guesses? Well, it's Bentonite Clay, we are referring to!

Obtained from volcanic ash, this versatile clay is acclaimed for its detoxifying and rejuvenating properties and has gradually become an elixir for individuals seeking healthier, younger and more radiant skin. 

What Is Bentonite Clay?

Bentonite clay, also known as Montmorillonite clay, is derived from the natural erosion and weathering of volcanic ash deposits in the earth’s crust over time. The clay is named after Fort Benton, Wyoming, the place where it was first discovered.

Bentonite clay has a rich profile of nutrients. It is composed of volcanic ash and various essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium.
Bentotnite clay

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What Is The Working Principle Behind Bentonite Clay?

Bentonite clay has a high capacity for cation exchange i.e., it carries a negative charge and easily attracts positively charged components like magnesium, sodium, aluminium, potassium, and silica. This helps it to absorb a lot of water and attract the dirt on your skin and gradually remove it from the surface.

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Exceptional Benefits Of Bentonite Clay For Skin

 Cleanses And Detoxifies Skin

The abundance of powerful absorption properties makes bentonite clay an excellent choice for deep cleansing and detoxifying the skin. When applied topically on the skin surface, the negatively charged clay acts as a magnet, drawing out impurities, toxins, and excess sebum from the skin pores. This readily helps in preventing sudden breakouts, diminishes blackheads, and promotes a spotless complexion.

 Also Read: Blackheads: 3 Amazing Sheet Masks To Remove Those Pesky Dark Spots Naturally

 Regulates Oil Production

For individuals blessed with oily or combination skin, bentonite clay can be a real game-changer. The exceptional quality of this natural clay to regulate the production of sebum helps in preventing acne and pimples. By absorbing excess oil without stripping away the skin's natural moisture, bentonite clay assists in maintaining a healthy balance of skin oils thus bestowing a more matte effect and less shiny appearance.

 Exfoliates Dead Skin Cells

The residue of makeup products and environmental stressors often causes the accumulation of dead skin cells leading to dull and lustre-less skin. Bentonite clay, being a gentle exfoliant, sloughs off dead cells, revealing a smoother and brighter complexion in its wake. Routine exfoliation with bentonite clay can extensively improve skin texture, reduce the appearance of pores, fade spots and promote a rejuvenated glow.

 Soothes Irritated Skin

Bentonite clay intrinsically possesses soothing properties that help individuals with sensitive, inflamed or irritated skin. It readily assists in alleviating redness, and inflammation, and remedying itchiness caused by conditions like eczema, psoriasis, or insect bites. Applying a bentonite clay mask can not only provide a cooling effect to the irritated skin but also relieve discomfort, leaving the skin calm and refreshed.

 Arrests Ageing Signs

Replete with essential minerals like silica, calcium, and magnesium, bentonite clay promotes collagen production and improves the texture and elasticity of the skin. Weekly use of bentonite clay masks can extensively help reduce the appearance of fine lines, spots and wrinkles, tighten saggy skin, fade blemishes and restore a younger-looking, glowing appearance.

Different Ways To Use Bentonite Clay For Skin

For Glowing Skin:

Mix 2 tbsp of bentonite clay powder with 1 tbsp of rose water, and aloe vera gel to form a smooth paste. Apply the mask evenly onto cleansed skin. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes or until it dries a bit. Rinse off with lukewarm water and follow it up with a mild moisturiser.

 For Spot Treatment:

Make a smooth paste of 1 tbsp of bentonite clay, 1 tbsp rose water and 2 drops of tea tree oil and apply it all over the face. Leave it on for 15 minutes and gently rinse off with a moist sponge.
Bentonite clay pack

 For Smooth Hands And Legs:

Combine 4 tbsp of bentonite clay, 2 tbsp coconut oil, 2 tbsp honey, and 1 tbsp granulated coffee powder to make a coarse body scrub. Massage the scrub onto damp skin in circular motions for 15 -20 minutes. Rinse it thoroughly with normal water, pat dry and slather yourself with a mild body lotion afterwards.

 Precautions Before Using Bentonite Clay: 

  • Ensure you conduct a patch test before using bentonite clay to evade any sudden allergic reactions or sensitivities
  • Use a glass bowl and avoid using any metal utensils or containers when mixing bentonite clay, as it may interfere with its properties
  • Do not allow the clay mask to dry completely on your skin, as it can cause excessive dryness and lead to brittle skin
  • Make sure you hydrate and moisturise your skin right after using a bentonite clay mask, as it can temporarily make the skin dehydrated 


Bentonite clay has carved a niche as a skincare superstar due to its exceptional properties and capability to promote healthy, radiant skin. Right from cleansing and detoxification to soothing dry skin and furnishing anti-ageing benefits, bentonite clay when incorporated     into your skincare routine can bequeath you a more flawless and youthful complexion.