Oatmeal is a popular choice of breakfast cereal for many of us, many thanks to its impressive nutritional profile. The goodness of dietary fibre and essential nutrients in oatmeal prevent the risk of chronic diseases like diabetics, heart disease and obesity.

Oatmeal is more than just a healthy cereal. It also provides you with a myriad of healing skin benefits as it is naturally loaded with a whopping amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Evidence has also proven that oatmeal works well as an amazing ingredient in enhancing skin beauty and health.

Oats Based Products For Skin Beauty

The potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in oatmeal help in shielding the skin and clears off dead cells. The plant compound saponins in oatmeal work as natural cleanser and exfoliate the skin.

Treats Acne

Oatmeal based acne cream contains zinc which eases inflammation and kills the acne-causing bacteria. It also helps to absorb the excess oil from the skin which may trigger an acne breakout. Furthermore, the anti-inflammatory properties in oatmeal help to lessen the redness and inflammation.

Oatmeal face scrub to exfoliate skin


Oatmeal is a natural moisturizer that helps in nourishing skin cells. The potent anti-inflammatory properties help to keep the skin exfoliated. The mild pH of oatmeal-based moisturizer heals the inflamed skin, restores the skin natural pH and improves skin dryness.

Face Scrub

The essence of saponins a chemical compound in oatmeal scrub helps in naturally cleansing the skin. In addition, it helps in warding off the blackheads and clearing the clogged pores. It also protects the skin from external irritants and revamps skin tone.

Heals Skin

Oatmeal is an essential ingredient in lotions as it has a low allergic reaction. It suits well for all types of skin and treats skin conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. It also guards the skin against external pollutants, allergens and hydrates the skin from within.

Oatmeal Bath Soak

The soothing properties of oatmeal bath soak are beneficial in healing itchy and dry skin. It is a great solution for treating persistent eczema, dermatitis and other skin rashes. Furthermore, it also softens the skin, restores skin moisture and essential minerals thereby making the skin look radiant and supple.