The skin is the largest and most delicate organ in the human body, which needs constant care. Your skin stays immensely happy and functions optimally well when it is right at that balance spot. Well, most of us might have heard about the term pH balance in skincare products, but might ignored it off, however, this is something we should pay attention to. Yes, skin's overall health depends upon maintaining the right balance between acidic and alkaline levels, which is determined by assessing your skin's pH levels.
skin pH scale

What Is pH?

The term pH stands for potential of hydrogen, the pH scale ranges from 1 to 14, with 7 being neutral, below 7 - acidic, and above 14 -alkaline. You may be quite surprised to know that a healthy skin pH is more on the acidic side, where the skin can fend off harmful pathogens and free radicals that might increase the ageing process.

Well, it can be a bit challenging task to level out the skin pH and ways to maintain your skin’s acidity levels without any harm. Read this article to know how skin pH affects skin beauty and health.

Skin pH Scale

The ideal pH level of the skin is just below 5. Generally, the pH varies depending on the area of the body, less exposed regions tend to maintain their natural acidity, while the face, chest and hands tend to be more alkaline, owing to the increased exposure to the elements present in the environment.

Some of the factors that can impact skin pH include:


Air pollution

Antibacterial products

Change in climates with different humidity levels



Antibacterial soaps and gels

Skin moisture


Tap water

Exposure to sun

Frequent washing of your skin

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How To Monitor The pH Of Your Skin?

Nowadays, home pH kits are readily available that may help you to determine the skin pH. It comes in the form of paper strips that are applied to the skin and checked. Ensure to buy pH kits meant only for skin, as urine and salvia tests can assess the overall body’s pH and does not reveal much about skin pH.

A dermatologist can check your skin pH with the help of a liquid pH testing kit. This can help you choose the best cosmetic and skin-related essentials according to the skin type.

Well, you can also carefully observe your skin pH. The skin with a gentle texture without any dry spots is considered balanced. While irritation, acne, redness, and dry spots may be the signs of high skin pH that would be more of an alkaline profile.

Simple Ways To Maintain Skin’s pH

Wash With Mild Cleansers

The most essential thing you need to do if you love your skin, is to avoid using any soap or cleanser on your face that contains harsh chemicals. Using an alkaline cleanser can make the skin easily irritated and inflamed. Remember to choose pH balanced skincare products. Furthermore, when cleaning your face using lukewarm water or room temperature water and wash thoroughly to clear out all the impurities.

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Use A Skin Toner

Skin toner can greatly help to neutralize any alkalinity that can negatively affect the skin’s optimal pH levels. Cleansing the face with toner or astringent can both tone and tighten the skin.


Moisturising your skin is an essential routine to keep it nourished. Choose from a wide range of moisturising oils, lotions, gels, and creams according to your skin type. Remember to alter it as per changes in seasons.


Exfoliate your skin once a week using mild exfoliants as a regular skincare routine. Using plant-based products may help you maintain skin health, tone, and complexion.


Maintaining your skin pH in the right spot is a key aspect of overall skin health. Taking care of your skin with a help of a cleanser and moisturiser according to skin types helps to strike the right balance of oil the skin needs to stay at its pink of health. Regular use of sunscreen is also essential to shield the skin from UV rays damage and other harmful particles.