"Straighten up, stand up straight." Your parents and teachers tried their best to make you stand tall and carry yourselves the right way. As grown-ups, you may not necessarily follow their advice, spending hours hunched over laptops, gaming consoles or smartphones. It is high time to correct your posture for improved spinal health. A healthy spine is an essential part of a healthy you.
Woman doing planks for spine health

Spinal Health Tips

1. Standing

Wrong way: Hunched over Right way: While standing, place one foot to some extent in front of the other, with your knees a little bent. This position helps to take the pressure off your lower back.

2. Lifting

Wrong way: Always avoid twisting while lifting. Twisting is one of the most unsafe motions for your spine particularly while lifting. Right Way: While lifting heavy items it is easier to push it on your back than pulling it. For support use your legs, but not your back or upper body to push the item.

3. Sitting

Wrong way: Slouching your shoulder with your head tilted forward and wrist bent. Right way: Place your knees a little lower than your hips, with your head up and back straight. Keep the natural curve in your back.

4. Reaching and Bending

Wrong Way: Bent over at the waist to pick up items from the floor or a table. Right Way: While reaching for an object above shoulder level, use a stool. While lifting object, kneel on one knee moving close to the object, with the other foot flat on the floor and pick the object up.

5. Carrying

Wrong Way: Carrying by bending forward and lifting object above shoulder level. Right Way: When moving heavy objects, keep them as close to your body as possible.

6. Sleeping

Wrong Way: On your stomach and on your sides with knees drawn up to the chest (fetal position). Right Way: Lying on the back is easy on the spine as the gravity keeps your body centered over it.
These simple steps will help you keep up and improve your spinal health. If you still develop spinal pain, visit a doctor or a physiotherapist.

Spine instability can lead to low back pain. A robust core can stabilize the spine to maintain the lower back healthy and pain-free. Generally, the muscles and ligaments surrounding spine can weaken as you age or due to an injury, which can make simple movements and activities difficult.

Do these exercises regularly to strengthen the spine, which includes:


Lie on the back, stretch one leg straight out on the floor and then bend the knee of the other legs, so that your foot lies flat.

Place your hands under your lower back to keep the natural arch of the spine.

While exhaling lift head, shoulders, and chest off the floor as though they were all attached. Then tuck your chin or tilt your head back.

Stay in this position for 10 seconds and then slowly lower yourself down.

Do five reps, switching both legs and complete the exercise.

Side plank

Lie on the side with the upper body supported on your arm, with a forearm on the floor and elbow beneath the shoulder. Keep your hand on the top of the hip and pull the feet back, so your knees are at a 90-degree angle.

Slowly lift the hips off the floor, so they are in line with the rest of the body and stay in this position for 10 seconds. Maintain a straight line from head to knee, slowly lower hips back down to the floor.

Repeat this five times, then change the sides and repeat the sequence to finish the exercise.

Your Spine is your lifeline. Look first to the Spine.