September 5, marks Spinal Cord Injury Day that is being observed worldwide to support the patients suffering from this unfortunate and truly devastating condition. Initiated by the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine in 2016, the Spinal Cord Injury Day is aimed at creating awareness among the patients with SCI, their families and the general public about the importance of leading a good quality of life, to keep your spine in line and rehabilitation post-injury. The theme for 2019 is ‘Living Life To The Fullest.’

In India, around 2.19% of the population is suffering from Spinal Cord Injury out of which 75 percent of the disabled are living in rural areas. Spinal Cord Injury is caused due to motor vehicle accidents, falls, injuries during sports, alcohol and even certain diseases. Just like in the case of varieties of health conditions, there are various myths that are associated with SCI.

Spinal cord injury day

In this article, we bring you the most common myths and the facts behind Spinal Cord Injury.


Rehabilitation Is Easier For Young Adults


The procedure, post-operative care and rehabilitation depend on various factors, not just the age. Each patient’s case has to be dealt in a different way depending upon the type of injury, positive attitude and access to basic resources at home and hospital.


Rehabilitation Ends Soon After The Discharge From Hospital


Rehabilitation is a long-term process and it takes a lot of time in the majority of cases. The patient would require constant and regular evaluation of the progress. The doctors or physiotherapists may chart out a therapy plan for the patient, set the goals that should be continued even as an out-patient to get a healthier spine.


A Spinal Cord Injury Cripples The Patient Forever


The range of disability in the patients suffering from Spinal Cord Injury largely differs. Though patients with SCI lose motor and sensory functioning, in a few cases it is possible to partially recover from disability and gain few movements back.


SCI patients Can Never Work Again


Not true. A majority of patients start working within a year of the injury. Most companies in India are at the forefront of hiring people with disabilities and are making office spaces accessible for the differently-abled. It is always possible to work by making minor adjustments.


Spinal Cord Injury Patients Cannot Have Children


The spinal cord injury in the case of a woman can face few problems for conception but it is not impossible to carry a baby, under expert care. Men with SCI are often reported to have sperm without motility, and it is possible to have a kid through assisted reproductive methods.