Migraine, that head-pounding pain can be quite annoying, and depressing and if not treated on time, can last up to two days. It can hit anybody, in all age groups, and is often an indication of stress, anxiety, and even a neurological disorder. In a few cases, it can be chronic and can affect your daily well-being. 

So What Exactly Is A Migraine?

Migraines are defined as a neurological condition that gives rise to headaches which can be mild, moderate, or severe in intensity. The pain in the facial region of the body is often persistent, lasting for an entire day or even longer displaying a characteristic throbbing, pulsating sensation on one side of the head.

Are You Suffering From Incessant Migraines? Choose From Our Extensive Array Of Ayurvedic Supplements To Immensely Pacify Headaches And Relax The Mind!

Ayurvedic Approach To Migraines:

In the classical texts of Ayurveda, migraine is termed as “Ardhavabhedhaka” and is mainly caused due to an imbalance in the tridoshas, namely vata, pitta, and kapha doshas. This negatively influences the functioning of the nervous system, hampering memory, concentration, and focus, in addition to diminishing eye health, irregular sleep cycles insomnia and reduced productivity be it at work or home.

The most defining symptom of migraines, as described in ancient Ayurvedic scriptures is “Ardheshirsha Vedana”, meaning pain in half the region of the head.

Other indications consist of stabbing pain in the region of Manya (cervical region) Bhru (eyebrows), Karna (ears), Akshi (eyes), and Lalata (frontal head). Moreover, people suffering from this chronic disorder also experience high intensity of pain with Bhrama (vertigo/dizziness), Shankhamoola Darana (tearing pain in temporal regions), and  Chakshu-Virajyata (redness of eyes).

Migraines undeniably affect the day-to-day lives of people and often result in poor performance of the brain. It is hence, always advised to visit a professional medical doctor or certified ayurvedic practitioner in case the signs of migraines persist for more than a few days.

However, if the stinging aches in the head and face are only occasional episodes and occur due to seasonal allergies, mental stress, or hormonal issues, then fret not.

Here are some simple and effective ayurvedic herbal concoctions that work wonders in managing symptoms of migraine and mitigating unbearable pain in the vicinity of the face and head.
ayurvedic remedies for migraine

Soothing Therapeutic Solutions From Ayurveda For Alleviating Migraine Headaches:

Triphala Churna

Triphala churna is an organic blend of extracts of three flowers or “Triphala”, from haritaki, bibhitaki, and amla is a magical tonic that cleanses the lungs, cools the body, and enhances breathing functions. This helps to improve respiration, ridding the nasal passages and sinuses of infections, allergens, and blockage, thereby efficiently lessening migraines. Also Read: Triphala: An Ayurvedic Wonder For Detoxification And Rejuvenation

Ksheera Ghrita

Ksheera Ghrita, which is essentially a glass of milk mixed with ghee, is a fantastic natural drink to effectively mend migraine headaches. The wealth of nutrients such as calcium, proteins, healthy fats, vitamin D, and vitamin E all work in synergy, to uplift mood, stimulate the nervous system, enhance productivity, and regulate metabolism, thus pacifying throbbing pain in the head due to migraines.

Sitopaladi Churna

Sitopaladi Churna comprises mishri, vankshalochana, (white part of the bamboo tree) pepper, cardamom, and cinnamon, formulated into a powder. It holds remarkable expectorant properties, superbly increasing lung capacity, and eliminating cough, cold, and phlegm. Consuming 3 teaspoons of this ayurvedic concentrate, along with some honey, expels all obstructions to breathing, thus assuaging pounding headaches and migraine.


Inhaling the medicated fumes of certain pleasantly aromatic herbs – Dhoomapana - is an excellent method to lower stress levels and reduce mental tension, worry, and anxiety. Gently taking in the vapours of sandalwood or cardamom powder invigorates the senses, calms the mind, and lightens the load on the head, rectifying migraines. Also Read: Elaichi: Marvellous Health Benefits Of This Aromatic Spice


Administering medicated decoctions through the nose is known as Nasya. This is a highly recommended panchakarma therapy to cure migraines and prolonged headaches. This should be done in the morning on an empty stomach, an hour before meals. Carefully pour in a few drops of nerve-promoting herbal infusions, such as Brahmi or ashwagandha, into the nose, directly elevating respiratory and nervous system functioning,and providing significant relief from migraine.

Simple Tips To Cope With Migraines And Pacify Persistent Headaches:

Apply A Warm Compress

Since the muscles in the head and neck region are under high pressure and constricted in instances of a migraine episode, applying a warm compress to the area helps to unwind the agitated muscles. Apart from soaking a soft towel/cloth in warm water and placing it on the head and neck, taking a relaxing shower in warm water also helps to soothe the nerves and dispel headaches.

Massage The Temples

The temples present at either side of the forehead are the point where the four skull bones fuse. Massaging this area gently using just the index and middle fingers aids in easing the stressed muscles in the vicinity and improving blood circulation. Furthermore, a massage involving stimulating the pressure points in the head is a proven method to relieve pain and discomfort during recurring migraines.

Ensure Adequate Hydration

Doctors and healthcare experts have ascertained that ample hydration helps in reducing the frequency of migraine attacks, as well as lessening the intensity of pain in the head and neck region. Drinking 6 – 8 glasses of water daily is essential to supply the necessary fluids for cells, and tissues in the body, prevent dehydration, and avert severe migraines. Infusing warm water with lemon and honey and having it once a day also detoxifies the system and promotes overall health.

Additional simple tips to cope with migraines and headaches

Smell Or Dab Lavender Oil

Lavender oil has been proven effective in migraine treatment. The fragrant scent of lavender has a calming effect on the nerves. Continuous aromatherapy with lavender essential oil improves stress and anxiety, consequently alleviating all chronic headaches.

Consume Ginger

Gingerol is the main bioactive compound found in ginger which is responsible for ginger's medicinal properties.  Besides it is abundant in active constituents such as phenolic and terpene compounds that can help get rid of throbbing migraine headaches. Not just headache, having ginger decoction or root or having ginger power helps reduce nausea and vomiting associated with migraine.

Eat Peppercorns

Peppercorns contain piperine, an anti-inflammatory enzyme that helps to get rid of acute pains. Besides, there are certain components present in these power-laden tiny kernels that relieve migraines and other severe headaches. Considered a natural painkiller, peppercorns are also rich in capsaicin. Capsaicin inhibits the neuropeptide which is a pain transmitter sending signals to the brain and causing these acute headaches. 

Additional Herbs To Soothe Migraine Pain


Butterbur has been used traditionally to treat migraines, hay fever, and other inflammatory conditions. It contains petasin and isopetasin, which contain anti-inflammatory and vasodilatory effects. Butterbur attacks by inhibiting the constriction of brain blood vessels and reducing swelling. This alleviates migraine.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba is known for its neuroprotective and vasodilatory effects. It contains compounds called flavonoids and terpenoids, which have anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds may help improve blood flow to the brain, and reduce and modulate neurotransmitter activity, potentially reducing the severity of migraine attacks.

Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium)

Feverfew has been traditionally used in herbal medicine to prevent and treat migraines. It contains compounds called parthenolides, which have anti-inflammatory and vasodilatory properties. These compounds may help reduce inflammation and inhibit the release of certain neurotransmitters associated with migraines, thus decreasing migraine attacks.


1. Migraine Headache

Marco A. Pescador Ruschel1; Orlando De Jesus


2. https://thejournalofheadacheandpain.biomedcentral.com/