Jatamansi (Nardostachy’s Jatamansi) is a flowering plant that belongs to the valerian family, Jata means dreadlocks and Mansi means human. It is known as Spikenard in English and also called Nardin, Jatamansi is widely grown in the mountain range of Himalayas, Nepal and China. It is a slowly vanishing ayurvedic herb, Jatamansi oil has been used since ancient times as perfume, traditional medicine and religious rituals.

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Jatamansi health benefits

The plant grows to a height of 1metre and bears pink bell-shaped flowers. The rhizomes of the plant are pressed and distilled to produce a deep amber-coloured thick essential oil. Nard or jatamansi essential oil is used for making perfume, incense sticks and various herbal formulations. The potent herbal powder is beneficial in boosting memory and possess soothing and relaxing properties. It is an aromatic herb that has a cooling effect on the body and is used in traditional medicine for treating psychological disorders like depression, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Nutritional Value

Jatamansi is bestowed with an impressive nutrient profile that delivers a host of health benefits. The presence of bioactive compounds and chemicals are credited for its numerous medicinal and therapeutic properties. Some of the compounds present in jatamansi include actinidine, aristolene, carotene, caralene, clalarenol, coumarin, dihydroazulenes, jatamanshinic acid, nardol, nardostachone, valerianol, valeranal, valeranone, elemol, virolin, angelivin, etc.

Wellness Incentives of Jatamansi:

Remedies Epilepsy And Seizures

The potent antioxidant and neuroprotective properties of Jatamansi shield the body against oxidative cell damage. The herb aids in maintaining the balance of hormones in the nervous system thereby assists patients suffering from epilepsy in averting episodes of seizures. Generally, in ayurvedic formulations, Jatamansi root powder is blended with other herbs like vacha and abhrak bhashma for better results in preventing seizures.

Improves Nerve Function

Jatamansi root powder functions as a potent nerve tonic and lowers mental stress and exhaustion. It is well-known for enhancing healthy nerve function and offers sustenance to the brain. This amazing ayurvedic herb combats stress, boosts up cognitive performance, lowers nerve weakness, improves stamina and overall well-being.

Treats Insomnia

Jatamansi is a proven natural remedy for treating insomnia, exerts a calming effect on the body and mind and reduces the sleepless nights. This herbal root, when combined with Ashwagandha, works well to improve the energy level and lessen the symptoms associated with a sleep disorder like irritability, depression and stress.

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Bolsters Memory

Jatamansi works as an effective memory booster and improves learning and cognitive skills. It acts as a restorative agent and helps people suffering from memory loss. The right blend of Jatamansi root when combined with Brahmi, Ashwagandha and Vacha offers positive results for people with mental stress and also has a defensive role in stress-induced memory loss.

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Promotes Hair Growth

The powerful extracts of Jatamansi oil are beneficial in promoting the growth of hair and prevent hair fall. The oil work by penetrating deep within hair follicles and strengthen hair root and strands and makes your mane grow stronger and voluminous. It is also used to control dandruff. The medicinal properties of this amazing oil help in making the tresses lustrous and silky.  In addition, regular usage of Jatamansi oil along with bhringaraj oil aids in controlling premature greying of hairs.

Other uses

The root powder is used to cure intestinal worms and other digestive woes. The hepatoprotective properties of Jatamansi root help in treating jaundice and improve liver health. The analgesic property aids in relieving pain and swelling.

Additional Benefits

Treats Skin Problems

Jatamansi is a natural cure for a range of skin woes. This herbal powder is used to treat fungal infections that break out on the skin like dermatitis, where skin itches, crusts and scales are formed. Applying jatamansi powder can heal dermatitis and psoriasis and fades away the scars.

Remedies Bacterial Infection

The potent antibacterial property of jatamansi powder is effective in treating several bacterial infections such as cholera, food poisoning, septic tetanus. This healing herb acts not only on the skin but also thwarts bacteria from the origin. Applying jatamansi powder on bruises, cuts and wounds is the best way to avert infections that are caused due to bacteria. Furthermore, it is also beneficial in curing urinary tract and kidney infections.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Have Jatamansi To Reduce Wrinkles?

Aggravated Vata dosha is the cause of wrinkles. Jatamansi and its essential oil assist in regulating wrinkles and slowing down signs of ageing. The Snigdha nature of this herbal powder locks the moisture content in the skin. Further, it supports to ease dryness and makes the skin supple and nourished.

How To Consume Jatamansi?

This powerful herbal medicine should be consumed after meals along with water and it should not be taken on an empty stomach.

Can Jatamansi Powder Upset The Tummy?

No, Jatamansi extract is known to stimulate the digestion process due to its laghu nature. It gets easily digested and does not cause any gastrointestinal woes.

What Are The Uses Of Jatamansi Powder?

Jatamansi offers numerous healing benefits and is used for treating cerebral ischemia, epilepsy, and liver damage. While its oil is valuable in making the hair smooth, lustrous, strong, and voluminous. However, consult a qualified ayurvedic practitioner before consuming Jatamansi to reap its benefits.


Jatamansi root formulations are generally safe and non-toxic when used in an appropriate dosage. However, people suffering from hypersensitivity should avoid taking this herb as it may cause skin irritation, breathing difficulty, nausea, and vomiting.