Monsoon season brings the much-awaited relief from sweltering heat. But at the same time, rains can also perk up monsoon maladies in both children and adults. Generally, our immune system is compromised during the rainy season which elevates the risk of contracting water-borne infections, including stomach flu and influenza.

Some Of The Common Monsoon Diseases Are:

Rainwater gets stagnant during the monsoon season which serves as a breeding place for mosquitoes, increasing the risk of mosquito-borne diseases like dengue, malaria, zika fever, and chikungunya etc.,

The rise and fall of temperature during the rainy season makes your body susceptible to monsoon diseases as well as bacterial and viral infections such as common cold and cough, presenting a situation when you are unwell for days at a stretch.

Waterborne diseases are very common during the monsoon season. Cholera, typhoid fever, diarrhea, dysentery are caused due to drinking contaminated water.

Mother Nature has bestowed upon us with amazing natural wonders which can prevent infections and also work as effective home remedies to treat dry cough and other monsoon related diseases, without any side effects.

The Importance Of Natural Remedies
The beauty of natural remedies lies in their gentle yet effective approach to healing. Unlike some conventional medications that may come with harsh side effects, natural remedies harness the potency of plant-derived compounds, essential oils, and other natural elements. These remedies work harmoniously with our bodies, supporting our immune system and aiding in recovery without causing undue stress on our health.
Amidst the constant rainfall and humidity, our immune system can face challenges in warding off infections. Certain natural remedies imbued with anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties can act as powerful immunity boosters, equipping our bodies to combat common monsoon ailments such as colds, coughs, fever and flu. They strengthen our first line of defense, helping us stay resilient in the face of seasonal viruses. 
Kitchen ingredients like turmeric, papaya leaf juice, fenugreek seeds and neem and tulsi leaves possess anti-inflammatory properties that calm irritated respiratory passages and soothe inflamed skin. Additionally, they might have potent antiviral effects as well that can help inhibit the replication of viruses, further safeguarding us from infections.

Check out the infographic for more details.

natural remedies to beat monsoon illness