The monsoons have arrived, bringing in much respite from the scorching summer and heat. Be it that pleasant spell of rain here and there or incessant downpour, rainfall brings in great cheer, happiness, and, of course, its course of viral infections in the form of fever, cough, and cold. Agree or disagree, the fear of super contagious COVID-19 infection still lurks around, and masking up has become common in the public.
cold 1

Viral infections in the rainy season are common and can affect all age groups, from babies to adults. Many conditions tend to subside within 5 to 7 days, but not without causing a running nose, persistent cough and sneezing, fatigue, fever, and body aches. In severe cases, the patients may also complain about breathlessness and nausea, demanding immediate doctor attention and subsequent treatment.

While we suggest you seek doctor consultation for viral infections, here are a few over-the-counter products that can provide symptomatic relief.

Also Checkout: Monsoon Skin Health: 5 Must Add Foods In Your Diet To Glow From Within - Infographic


Cough Suppressants:

Cough suppressants help significantly alleviate persistent coughing and temporarily reduce the urge to cough. Though they do not directly target the infection-causing cough, these suppressants provide symptomatic relief and help get enough rest and sleep.


Expectorants rescue you if you suffer from a clogged nose and sinuses. The expectorants help thin out and loosen the mucus obstructing the airways, thus clearing congestion. They are especially beneficial if you are coughing up thick phlegm.


Are you feeling congestion and finding breathing difficult due to a severe cold? Seek help in decongestants as they narrow blood vessels in the nasal passages, thus reducing swelling and congestion. Decongestants also provide instant relief from nasal congestion and sinus pressure.

Also Read: 8 Effective Ways To Battle Monsoon Infections And Stay Healthy

Mild Antihistamines:

Mild Antihistamines bring down symptoms associated with viral infections, like sneezing, runny nose, and itchy and watery eyes. They also induce mild drowsiness and aid in getting a good night's sleep. Antihistamines also help in providing symptomatic relief from allergies.

Ayurvedic Formulations:

Our ancient Ayurveda medicine is replete with priceless natural formulations that can effectively fight viral infections and bolster immunity. Include Ayurvedic formulations like Ashwagandha, Chyawanprash, Giloy, Amla extracts, and Brahmi, available in the form of tablets and tonics in your daily health regimen to power your immune system and stay safe in the rainy season from infections.

Also Read: Top 8 Ayurvedic Formulations That Can Bolster Your Immunity


Though viral infections during the rainy season are typical, we strongly recommend seeking a doctor's consultation and approval before using OTC products to avert unforeseen allergic reactions to specific components.

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