Supplements or as commonly termed Dietary Supplements are selective nutrients or components from each food group that replenish the lack of the particular nutrient in the body. Supplements rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, are usually recommended when the nutrient absorption through the food fails to meet the body’s requirement. To meet the nutritional demand of the body, health experts recommend dietary supplements that are available in the form of pills, capsules, tablets, powders, drinks and even health bars. These supplements are made by extracting nutrients from either natural food or synthetic sources or could be a combination of both.

supplements for kids

Childhood is a crucial time for the growth and development of the brain and various organs. In case of any kind of nutrient deficiency due to a particular diet or intolerance as in the case of lactose intolerant kids or children with a certain kind of food allergy, the lack of that nutrient directly affects the child’s health. Unlike kids having a well-balanced diet, some children are at risk of essential vitamins, minerals or nutrients and may require supplementation for managing several health conditions and ensuring overall well-being.

Is Your Child Lacking Essential Nutrients From The Food? Checkout Our Wide Range Of Kid-Friendly Supplements

Cod liver oil:

Cod Liver Oil is an extremely nutrient-rich oil obtained from the liver of certain species of fish like cod. The oil is a powerhouse of vitamin A, D, and omega-3 fatty acid, and has been used since time immemorial to bolster the immune system and prevent rickets; a severe bone condition that occurs due to the lack of vitamin D in the regular dietary routine. It also holds high significance in preventing autoimmune diseases like Type 1 diabetes in children, improving vision, promoting brain function and preventing various infections.


Probiotics are gut-friendly live bacteria that normally reside in our stomach and are extremely beneficial for the digestive system. The probiotic supplements essentially help in replenishing the good bacteria in the body. In kids, they play a pivotal role in treating health conditions like diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, and allergies. Also Read: Probiotics When And What


To ensure your kid gets the adequate amounts of vitamins and nutrients that pertain to the development of the body, healthy functioning of the brain and help build strong bones, it is extremely necessary to add a required dose of multivitamin supplements in their daily routine. The supplements enriched with both water and fat-soluble vitamins promote the body’s immunity, improve vision, and safeguard your child against a host of infections. Also Read: Do Healthy Kids Need Vitamin Supplements?


Apart from vitamins, minerals are highly necessary for the growth, development and healthy functioning of the body. The supplements available are quite rich in both macro and trace minerals. Specifically, mineral supplements containing calcium or magnesium effectively help to strengthen the bones and teeth, improve cognitive functioning and bolster the immune system which is beneficial for the kid at a young age.

Vitamin K2:

Vitamin K2 referred to as the ‘mystery nutrient’ in layman terms is an essential component required for blood coagulation. At an early stage, when the kid is growing, supplements rich in vitamin K turns out to be highly beneficial for bone growth, bone density and healthy functioning of the heart. The supplements help in activating the osteocalcin proteins that put calcium into bone and help the kids to attain their full height and fill out their chest and shoulder during their growing years or adolescent growth spurt.


Iron is crucial for the production of red blood cells and overall energy levels. Children, especially toddlers and adolescents, are at risk of iron deficiency due to rapid growth and increased iron needs. If your child’s diet lacks iron-rich foods like lean meats, beans, and fortified cereals, consider a pediatric iron supplement after consulting with your pediatrician.


Essential for building strong bones and teeth, calcium is crucial during childhood and adolescence when bone growth is at its peak. While dairy products are a primary source of calcium, some children may require supplements to meet their daily needs, particularly if they have lactose intolerance or follow a dairy-free diet.

Vitamin C: 

Known for its immune-boosting properties, Vitamin C plays a vital role in fighting off infections and supporting wound healing. While citrus fruits, strawberries, and bell peppers are excellent sources of Vitamin C, a supplement can be beneficial during times of increased illness or for picky eaters.

Note: Ensure you consult with a pediatrician or a qualified healthcare professional before introducing any supplements into your child's diet. They can assess your child's specific needs, provide personalized recommendations, and ensure that supplements are safe and appropriate for your child's age and health status.


Although some children might get all the essential components from their regular dietary intake, there are kids who lack it and require refilling their nutrient intake. Hence, several health care professionals strongly recommend the consumption of supplements for kids as it is extremely necessary for the healthy functioning of the body. Talk to the pediatrician about the right kind of supplement for your child.


1. Use of dietary supplements by children and adolescents - By Junaura Rocha Barretto a, Mara Alves da Cruz Gouveia b, Crésio Alves c

2. Appropriate and inappropriate vitamin supplementation in children - By Lucia Martini,1 Luca Pecoraro,1,* Chiara Salvottini,1 Giorgio Piacentini,1 Richard Atkinson,2 and Angelo Pietrobelli1,3