World Oral Rehydration Salts Day is observed on July 29 and it was established in 2001 by the Indian Academy Of Pediatrics with the intention of lowering the cases of diarrhea deaths, especially in infants and young children. Dehydration is a leading cause of mortality among young children. Primarily, the immediate causes of loss of fluids are continuous vomiting and diarrhea. This can be extremely detrimental in children due to a lack of fluid intake during episodes of diarrhea. This results in severe loss of liquid, thus leading to the deprivation of water and minerals essential for human survival. ORS is an inexpensive life-saving solution that can effectively treat dehydration and certainly in a quick manner. In the last few years, ORS usage has helped to save about 7,000,000 young lives.
ORS day

Also Read: World ORS Day: How It Is Made? Benefits, Uses. Myths and Facts About Oral Rehydration Solution

What Is ORS And How Does It Work?

ORS (Oral rehydration salts) is a unique combination of dry components that are mixed with potable water and consumed slowly but in a short time span. They help to replace the fluids that have been lost due to diarrhea. When ORS goes into the body, the electrolytes and sugar content in the mixture aid a faster absorption of water from the gut and it replaces the lost salts in the body. This can quickly restore the lost electrolyte balance (comprising of potassium, sodium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, and bicarbonate) maintaining acid-base as well as the water balance. As we know, young children and infants do not have any fluid reserve in their bodies, hence making them more susceptible to dehydration and complications related to it. Therefore, ORS becomes a life-saving solution for them. ORS packet is readily available in the market in a powdered form in sachets. Upon purchase, check the packet for directions, put the contents of the ORS packet in a glass, and add the correct amount of clean water.  Make sure the water quantity is proper as too little water could cause diarrhea or vomiting to aggravate. You must only add water and never add ORS to milk, soup, fruit juice, or soft drinks. Also, never add sugar or salt to this mix.

Also Read: World ORS Day 2020: 5 Different Types Of Life-Saving Oral Rehydration Salts And Their Benefits

What If ORS Is Not Available?

When ORS is not available handy and there is a need to administer it, give the child a drink made with 6 exact teaspoons of sugar and 1/2  teaspoon of salt dissolved in 1 liter of clean potable water. But you must be extremely careful to mix the precise amounts, as adding too much sugar can make diarrhea worse and excessive salt addition can also bring harmful effects to the child and even to an adult.

A Pro Tip: When you make a mixture a little too diluted with more than one liter of clean water, it is not harmful to the body and can be safely consumed.