As much as optimum physical and emotional well-being has become an essential matter deal within the last decade or so, humans have become very conscious of their sexual health as well. Every year on September 4th, the WHO celebrates World Sexual Health Day to promote social awareness of sexual health and make each one aware of their right to sexual well-being, across the globe. This year’s World Sexual Health Day theme is consent- a crucial element of any healthy sexual encounter. It is essential to respect and value everyone’s autonomy and choices in sexual matters, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, and so on and so forth. This helps to reduce stigma and improve access to essential sexual health resources.

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We all know that most people become aware of their sexuality and sex early on in life.  It begins to affect several aspects of human health-such as physical, mental, emotional, and social as well, at every stage of life. Being in good sexual health implies that you are careful, well-informed, and respectful of your sexuality and of others too. Always be direct and clear with the partner about their sexual interests. The bottom line is to enjoy yourself sexually in a way you are comfortable with.

Why Is Sexual Wellness Essential?

A big part of life, sexual wellness is about feeling connected to your body's wants, needs, and desires.  It is important to be well-learned about sex and the more informed you are, the more prepared you are to make the right choices besides handling problems. There is no harm in having discussions with parents, siblings, or mentors. Or you may discover it on your own, as you learn about what sex is and the risks it carries, you also realize how essential it is to stay happy in this realm. Moreover, safety being a key aspect of sexual health, we also prepare ourselves to stay away from unwanted risks that include pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, and sexual abuse. It is normal for your sexual health to evolve or change as you age. At every stage there may be pleasures as well as problems, thus an important part of sexual health is communication. 

Also Read: Sexual Health: 10 Effective Ways To Pep-Up Your Sex Life

Shop From Our Range Of Sexual Wellness Products To Upkeep Your Sexual Health

Some people may face sexual problems at some point in life. Using some medicines or health conditions can also limit the sexual functions and needs of an individual. Several herbs can come to your rescue if you are facing a lack of sexual desire such as dry orgasm, erectile dysfunction, orgasmic disorder, arousal disorders, and pain while sex. Before you begin to take over-the-counter medicines supplements, or if you have side effects after any drugs, it is best to be honest with questions and concerns. Ensure you reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and emotions and decide what works best for your sexual health.
For now, check out this infographic of 5 supplements that may help you augment your sex performance. 
sexual health