World Oral Health Day is an annual wellness campaign observed on March 20, to raise awareness among the general public across the globe, on the importance of good oral hygiene practices as well as numerous different dental ailments. This health day focuses on actively involving policymakers, governments and professional healthcare organizations, to provide basic and advanced dental care facilities to people in all nations around the world, to collectively accomplish the goal of disease-free, healthy mouths. This health day was inaugurated on March 20, 2013, by the FDI (Fédération Dentaire Internationale) World Dental Federation located in Paris, France - the foremost global association in the dental discipline, with a unique, particular theme for the health crusade every year. The theme of World Oral Health Day 2021, announced for the next three years of 2021, 2022, 2023, is, “Be Proud Of Your Mouth”, emphasizing the need to take care of the mouth.
Also Read: The Importance Of Good Oral Hygiene
Invariably, this involves practising good oral hygiene of brushing teeth, flossing, tongue cleaning daily, to avert serious dental disorders and lead a longer, healthier, happier life. Moreover, statistics by health experts indicate that more than 90 per cent of the current 7.8 billion global population will definitely develop some kind of dental disorder in their lifetime, most of which can be easily prevented and managed. And what better way to heal commonly occurring oral issues than by taking the natural route – Ayurveda. This ancient Indian system of medicine that originated thousands of years ago supplies valuable natural remedies for many minor but painful and sometimes embarrassing dental illnesses of teeth discolouration, cavities, gum disease, mouth sores and halitosis/bad breath. Browse through this article that reveals astonishing herbs which effectively treat various kinds of dental
Common Dental Concerns With Proven Herbal Remedies From Ayurveda:

Yellow Teeth And Discolouration:
Stains on the teeth mostly tend to be yellow, but can also be brown or purple at times. This is mostly due to consuming high amounts of certain foods and beverages like snacks high on sugar, tea, coffee, aerated drinks and red wine. Another factor that makes normally white to pale teeth appear prominently yellow is habitual smoking, chewing tobacco. Besides quitting tobacco inhalation and intake and practising proper oral care methods of brushing teeth, cleaning the tongue and flossing twice a day, the babool herb is very beneficial in cleaning stains on teeth.
Babool (Gum Arabic Tree)
The pods and peel of babool contain beneficial plant compounds which remove bacteria from the mouth, gums, enamel to reveal tidy teeth. Mix some ground babool pods with rock salt and a few drops of lemon juice. Rub this paste on yellow, discoloured areas once every day and rinse with water, to attain cleaner, whiter teeth.
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Also known as dental caries, cavities are holes on the teeth due to decay of the hard tissues on the tooth surface/enamel. They are caused due to bacterial infections from poor dietary habits consisting of sugary foods and lack of regular oral care practices, which results in the build-up of a sticky substance called plaque. Plaque contains acids, which upon being attached to teeth for prolonged periods of time, begin to erode the enamel and deeper internal tissues. Along with imbibing good oral care practices and adhering to a balanced, healthy diet, amla is a superb herbal solution to treat cavities in teeth.
Amla (Indian Gooseberry)
Amla is a storehouse of vital vitamins, minerals, antioxidants like vitamin C, calcium, antimicrobial compounds, which combat bacteria inducing cavities, aside from strengthening teeth and gums. Combine 1 teaspoon of dried amla powder in one cup of warm water and drink this concoction once daily, to rectify the issue of dental cavities and improve oral health.
Gum Disease – Gingivitis And Periodontitis:
Gingivitis is a condition triggering inflammation of the gums, mostly due to bacterial infection. When the infection in the gum worsens, it is known as periodontitis. This is due to smoking habits and can also be because of diabetes or taking other potent prescription medicines. If left untreated, it can even lead to loss of teeth. Steering clear of addiction to smoking, chewing tobacco and good oral hygiene practices aid in preventing severe gum disease, along with the herbal wonder neem.
Nimba (Neem)
Neem contains a treasure trove of anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial elements, which are a fantastic solution to cure gum diseases of gingivitis and periodontitis. Prepare a paste of neem leaves and massage onto the gums to stop bleeding, lessen swelling, discomfort and relieve pain.
Mouth Sores:
Otherwise called canker sores or aphthous ulcers, these are small, shallow white/yellow bulges that occur inside the mouth and in the base of the gums. Mouth sores can happen due to infections, injuries, food allergies, vitamin or mineral deficiencies or even from hormonal imbalance and cause pain while biting foodstuffs and talking, with prominent redness and swelling. Proper oral hygiene, not consuming spicy foods, eating cold items like yoghurt, ice cream help in managing mouth sores, along with the time-tested ayurvedic remedy of oil pulling.
Oil Pulling With Coconut Oil:
Coconut oil is famed for the plethora of anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral constituents it possesses, which efficiently fight off infection in mouth sores, pacifying swelling, pain and redness. The technique of oil pulling involves swishing 1 tbsp of coconut oil or any other edible oil in the mouth for about 5 minutes, to cover all portions of the teeth, gums, oral cavity and then spitting it out. Doing this simple process daily dispels mouth sores and calms inflammation, redness, pain.
Bad Breath:
Bad breath or halitosis is a frequent dental issue encountered by people of all age groups and can be rather embarrassing in gatherings of large groups with friends, family, colleagues, and even diminishing one’s self-confidence. Usually caused due to lack of oral hygiene practices of brushing, flossing regularly, dehydration, eating pungent foods like onion, garlic, which result in bacterial growth, bad breath, if left unattended to, can lead to serious infections in the oral cavity. In addition to following good oral hygiene methods with gargling after meals on a daily basis and consuming a wholesome diet with ample water, fluid intake, the miraculous herbal remedy of clove helps in combatting bad breath.
Lavanga (Clove)
Clove is an excellent natural mouth freshener, packed with umpteen antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory compounds. The powerful antioxidant element eugenol in cloves thwarts bacteria in the mouth and the tiny twigs impart a refreshing smell in the oral cavity as well. Chew on some cloves after meals to do away with bad breath and attain a pleasant mouth odour all day long.