World Kidney Day is observed every year on March 10, focusing on efforts to increase awareness and education about kidney health and on reducing the high chronic kidney disease (CKD) knowledge gap among the populace globally at all levels of kidney. Also, this health day encourages people to be concerned about kidney donation and transplants as an effective way to support those with kidney failure. The health campaign was first established in 2006 as a joint initiative of the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) and the International Federation of Kidney Foundations (IFKF)

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is quite common and dangerous, as per reports 1 out of 10 adult people globally have it, and if left untreated it can be fatal. Early diagnosis grants for proper disease care and management to support avert morbidity and mortality. Moreover, kidney disorder associated mortality continues to rise each year and is predicted to be the 5th leading cause of death by 2040.
World Kidney Day 2022

The World Kidney Day Joint Steering Committee has announced 2022 to be the year of “Kidney Health for All”. This health event mainly calls on all of us in the community globally- physicians, scientists, nurses and other healthcare providers, patients, administrators, health policy experts, government officials and nephrology organizations to work to bridge the knowledge gap to better kidney care.

Well, people with kidney disease and other chronic medical conditions are at higher risk for more severe COVID 19 complications. Evidence suggests that patients with chronic kidney disease, end-stage kidney disease and kidney transplant recipients are at higher risk for severe COVID 19 complications. Thus, the management of CKD patients should aim at both infection prevention and treatment.

Also Read: World Kidney Day 2021: 7 Astonishing Ayurvedic Herbs To Uplift Renal Functions

COVID-19 And Acute Kidney Infection (AKI)

Reports reveal that patients hospitalized with COVID-19 are at increased risk of AKI, which can lead to more severe illness, dialysis and even death. Acute kidney infection is thought to be a marker of COVID-19 infection severity and the mortality rate is higher for these patients. Serious COVID-19 effects are believed to contribute to AKI including kidney tubular injury (acute tubular necrosis) with septic shock, microinflammation, increased blood clotting, and probable direct infection of the kidney. Moreover, most patients with COVID19 related AKI who recover continue to have low kidney function post-discharge from the hospital.

Long Term Effect Of Acute Kidney Injury (AKI)

Patients recovered from COVID-19 who had an acute kidney injury (AKI) should have check-up with a nephrologist, as their risk of developing chronic kidney disease is higher than others. Also, COVID-19 patients who did not develop AKI, but had blood and protein in their urine sample should have regular follow-up, as they are at higher risk of developing chronic and end-stage kidney disease. However, healthy adults without any underlying medical conditions with appropriate treatment AKI can be reversible.

Guidelines For COVID -19 Patients With Kidney disease

Patients on dialysis have a compromised immune system, making it tough to combat infections. However, it is vital for CKD patients to continue with their regular scheduled dialysis treatments and take appropriate precautionary measures as suggested by healthcare providers to avoid COVID related complications.

People with a kidney transplant need to get anti-rejection drugs (immunosuppressive medicines). These medications work by maintaining the immune system less active, which make it difficult to combat infections. Also, it is essential to continue regular medications. Furthermore, it is mandatory to follow covid 19 safety protocols such as washing hands at regular intervals maintaining good respiratory hygiene and following recommendations from the doctor.

Also Read: World Kidney Day 2020: Top 5 Foods For Enhanced Renal Function - Infographic

Simple Tips To Follow:


  • Post- COVI-19 patients should have regular follow up with nephrologists.
  • Maintain a disciplined lifestyle and healthy weight; avoid weight gain.
  • Drink enough water
  • Limit saturated fat and deep-fried foods in the meal plan
  • Add a good source of lean protein as advised by the doctor or nutritionist
  • Eat home-cooked foods, have three small meals with adequate intervals
  • Limit salt intake to 6 grams per day and avoid all processed and packaged foods
  • Manage stress, stay connected with family and friends
  • Regulate circadian rhythm and get sound sleep
  • Control other underlying co-morbid health conditions like diabetes and hypertension
  • Get regular exercise, yoga and meditation at least 150 minutes/week
  • Get kidney profile tests done regularly as advised by the healthcare provider
  • Stay positive and optimise overall physical and mental well-being


  • Self-medication
  • Avoid high potassium foods
  • Avoid ayurvedic supplements unless advised by a qualified ayurvedic doctor
  • Take nicotine and alcoholic products