Hemophilia may be a rare disorder, but it demands awareness among the public, as care is of paramount importance while dealing with this condition.

Even as we observe World Hemophilia day on April 17, with the theme - Out Reach And Identification, let’s learn about Hemophilia, a hereditary disorder caused due to deficiency of Factor VIII which results in bleeding of the joints and muscles. In India, we find an incidence of 1 in 10,000 births with this disorder.

Managing hemophilia is to maintain your health at its best. The key factor is to keep your joints stronger and shed extra weight to lessen muscle strains and prevent bleeding of the weakening joints.

Obesity is one of the major problems faced by hemophilic patients. Being overweight increases complications associated with hemophilia as it mounts pressure on joints and eventually leads to bleeding. Hence, it is crucial to have a healthy diet and prevent weight gain. Gradual modifications in the diet plan will bring positive results in the long run.

World Hemophilia Day

Healthy Diet Plan For Hemophilia

Prefer Whole grains

Choose from a spectrum of whole grain cereals like oats, barley, brown rice and millets to keep you satiated, control hunger pangs and regulate blood sugar levels.

Go Green

Increase intake of fresh veggies and fruits as they are a good source of essential nutrients and fibre for promoting digestion, regulating blood glucose levels, lowering cholesterol, and for weight loss.

Switch To Low-fat Milk Products

Low-fat milk and milk products are a great source of calcium, protein, essential vitamins, minerals and that can also restrict unwanted intake of fat.

Top Up With Iron

Load with iron-rich foods such as green, legumes, dried beans, dry fruits and lean meat to make up for iron losses.

Go For Plant Protein

Legumes, dried beans and nuts are a good source of plant protein, fibre, essential nutrients and low in fat and zero cholesterol which keeps you satiated and help in losing weight.

Choose Healthy Fats

Choose healthy fat such as olive oil, cold pressed coconut oil, sesame oil and groundnut oil. Limit butter, and other shortening fat.

Healthy Cooking

Choose a healthy method of cooking like boiling, steaming, baking, or grilling instead of frying to cook lean meat, and other curries. Avoid rich gravies, creamy soups and calorie loaded toppings as these foods add on to weight.

Mindful Eating

Control portion size, start reading nutrition labels and look for hidden sources of excess calories in packed foods such as trans fats, sugars in juices and beverages.

Set realistic goals, make small changes during every meal and practice mindful eating habits to achieve sustained weight maintenance.