How many of us actually know our blood group? Even today, many of us are not aware of which blood group we belong to or never bothered to learn.

Marking blood groups

Many of us think it is not very important to know the blood group as hospitals would anyways check the blood type if we have to undergo an invasive procedure. But, the truth is different. One should be aware of their blood type for a number of reasons, not just surgical. 

What is a Blood Type:

Your blood type is perhaps your first inheritance from your parents. It is determined by ABO grouping system and Rh factor. Your blood group is based on the presence or absence of antigens and antibodies in the blood. 

5 Reasons To Know Your Blood Type:

Medical Emergency: One should be aware of the blood group in case if there is any medical emergency for you or for your loved ones. Doctors should be made aware of your blood type in order to avoid the risk of receiving incompatible blood type. An incompatible blood group will cause blood cells to clump and is fatal.

Pregnancy: It is imperative for a pregnant woman to know if her blood type is positive or negative. In case, if the pregnant woman and the baby do not carry the same Rh blood type – be it positive or negative it may lead to Rh- incompatibility. It may lead to hemolytic anemia or hemolytic disease where body treats the foetus as a foreign body and cause serious issues. Doctors usually recommend injections to treat these issues in pregnancy.

Blood Donation: Knowing your blood group always makes you ready for blood donation and save a life! Hospitals are always on the lookout for blood donors and few rare blood types are constantly high on demand. If you have O- negative blood group, you come under universal donors which means you can donate it to any blood type. If you want to save a young, precious life through bone marrow, knowing your blood type is the first step.

Genetics and Disease Prediction: Your blood type defines your genetics, reaction to certain foods, susceptibility to diseases as a single drop of blood contains a unique biochemical makeup. Studies have found that people with blood type O have lower risk of cardiovascular diseases but may be susceptible to gastrointestinal disorders. If you are a woman with blood type A, you can have a high rate of fertility and people with AB and B type are at increased risk of pancreatic cancer.

Diet and Food Allergies: Your blood type antigens are not just present in the blood but are also found everywhere in the body including intestines, lungs and play a significant role while reacting to the food you eat. Blood type specific proteins like lectins in the food we eat can cause blood to stick together causing several allergies and symptoms like fatigue, nausea, headache, skin issues etc. If you are allergic to certain food items talk to your doctor if your blood type is playing a role in causing those reactions.