World First Aid Day is commemorated annually on the second Saturday of September to spread awareness about the practice and importance of first aid to provide basic first aid for common emergency conditions and help save lives.

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) believes that basic first aid should be accessible to all and a quintessential part of a more comprehensive developmental approach. The IFRC launched World First Aid Day in 2000. Since then, we have been celebrating World First Aid Day to raise awareness of first aid, encourage first aid training for all community members, and even introduce curriculums with accredited first aid courses.
Also Read: World First Aid Day: Keeping First Aid Essentials Handy Can Save Lives

world first aid day

What Is First Aid?

Well, the term first aid means the initial help or emergency medical assistance provided to an unwell person or a victim in case of a sudden accident, cut, burn, or injury. It chiefly includes simple procedures carried out by an average person with basic knowledge regarding first aid. These simple procedures act as a kind of support to stop the immediate pain or bleeding until a trained medical personnel or doctor takes over.Also Read: 8 Golden Rules Of First Aid

In general, the first aid steps are guided by the Three P's, which are:

  • Preservation of life
  • Preventing injury deterioration
  • Promoting recovery

 Knowing about the basic first-step procedures and administering them appropriately in a well-timed manner hold high significance in preventing the victim's condition from aggravating and extending the golden hour time for emergency cases. In cases where the number of injured people is high, like that of a major road accident, well-trained first aid personnel can be of great help to the victims and even the doctors or medical personnel as they can actively take part in providing first aid if the doctor is busy with another victim. In crucial situations, proper training or grasp regarding first aid can also rescue one's own life.

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So instead of fretting, know how to do first aid to preserve life of oneself and of others. Since bleeding is a common condition and most people have knowledge regarding it, this article highlights some common and uncommon injuries that require first aid and what one can do when an accident like this occurs.

Cardiac Arrest

Cardiac arrest occurs when the heart fails to pump blood throughout the body. In such chronic situations, immediately start chest compressions regardless of any training, keeping it hard and fast in the center of the chest, while allowing recoil between compressions. And if you are trained enough, try giving CPR (i.e. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) to prevent deterioration before any medical help arrives.


Sometimes, a small blister can heal up fast enough if it is kept covered. But in major cases, with the formation of a large painful one, try draining the fluid by puncturing it with a sterilized needle, cleaning the wound, applying some antiseptic ointment, and then bandaging the affected area.


Fractures are referred to as broken bones and can occur due to falls or other harsh impacts. In this type of accident, until an X-ray is done to confirm, the affected part should be immobilized instantly since disturbing or moving it can sometimes sever a blood vessel or a nerve, resulting in severe complications. Use a thick cloth to wrap around the area to immobilize the affected part and transport the patient to the nearest medical facility for further treatment.

first aid essentials


Nosebleeds are regular and have been experienced by most of us during childhood. To stop a nosebleed, do not make the person tilt their head back; instead, keep the person upright with the head tilted slightly forward. Pinch the lower half of their nose (the soft part), just below the bridge, and hold it firmly for 5 -10 minutes. Loosen any cloth around the neck and apply an ice pack alongside the nose pinching. If the bleeding doesn't stop even after 10 minutes, repeat the procedure until the bleeding stops completely.

Heat Stroke

This condition is relatively common in the sweltering summer months due to overexposure to sweltering conditions without drinking water, staying outdoors under direct sunlight, or undertaking some physical exertion for a long time. To resuscitate someone from a heat stroke, try bringing the person under the shade and ensure you provide water to avoid dehydration. Place a wet cloth on the forehead or softly apply water on the face and neck to reduce the body temperature.

Insect Bite/ Sting

A bite or sting from an insect can be excruciating to bear and sometimes can even cause a fever or headache. In such conditions, to help out someone, gently scrape the skin with your fingernail to remove it, but do not break it. Refrain from using tweezers because that can squeeze more venom out of the stinger, causing further injury and inflammation. Apply some topical anti-inflammatory ointment and get it checked by a medical professional.


Frost Bite is a kind of skin injury that occurs due to freezing the skin and underlying tissues on exposure to extremely low temperatures. Although it is essential to contact medical personnel at the earliest, before going to the hospital as first aid, try warming the affected area gradually by dipping the part in warm water. In some situations, even skin-to-skin contact can be helpful, but ensure that the affected component is not rubbed or placed near a heating source.


Although the procedures mentioned above are simple to carry out at home or outdoors, do take the patient to the doctor or a medical professional immediately for further treatment to avoid any complications.