One of the most common injuries to the hand region in children is broken bones also called fractures. It can be caused due to various factors both intentionally and unintentionally. Children between the ages of 3 to 8 years have tender bone and hence the chances of breaking the bone may occur easily.

Breaking of bones amongst the children is most common in the wrists, arms, fingers, knees ankles and is usually closed. Which means the fractured bone is not visible from the skin. In very rare cases the fractures are classified into open or compound due to critical injuries.  

Fracture in children

Types Of Fractures

Fracture in children cause their bone to bend rather than break as they are softer, but the periosteum is stronger. Most fractures in children are incomplete in nature which are categorized :

1. Greenstick fracture bend on one side and a part of fracture on the other side

2. Torus fracture- it happens at the base cortex of the pillar.

3. Hairline fracture – a thin fracture in the bone that does not go completely inside the bone

4.  Single fracture – the bone is fractures in one particular area.

5.  Segmental fracture – more than two fracture in the same bone.

6. Comminuted fracture – the bone is crushed into pieces

7.  Corner or bucket fracture – breakage of the bone in the distal end of the one or both femurs.


  • During playing, cycling or any other activities that involve physical activities like swimming, karate, dancing and others.
  • Accidentally slamming fingers and crushing in doing other activities.
  • Accidentally hard falling on fingers or arms or legs.
  • Due to various deformities and medical issues like formation of epiphysis or growth plates also causes higher chances of bone fractures.


In case of compound fractures, the broken bone is easily visible, but symptoms of fractures in this case include;

  • Severe pain in the area
  • Swelling and reddishness in the area
  • Deformity of the arm or legs or fingers
  • Difficulty in moving the fractured area
  • Warmth, bruising and infection


Doctor suggest certain diagnostics tests including X-Ray, MRI and CT scan to determine the severity of fracture which enables prompt treatment.

Treatments option comprises plaster patching, using supporting devices and in minor case, it involves physical therapy including ‘bending and straightening exercises. It also includes giving calcium rich foods which help to strengthen the bones and speeds up the recovery process.