Be it a couple wanting to get intimate with each other with no plans of pregnancy any time soon or a couple new to parenthood who just want to enjoy some romantic time and space out another pregnancy for some time, whatever the case may be, all you need, in either scenario, is the right birth control tool to prevent any sudden surprises! With the advent of modern technologies, there are several birth control options available to choose from, but with limited or lack of correct knowledge available related to contraception, one is likely to have several doubts regarding it.

Also Read: World Contraception Day: Know About The Significance, Importance And Facts
World Contraception Day

This is where the World Contraception Day campaign comes in, a global initiative that pushes for better education and knowledge related to safe and protected sex so that every pregnancy is planned and wanted! Every year since 2007, 26th September, is observed as World Contraception Day by people across the globe to raise awareness among the general populace about birth control options and family planning and to help young adults make conscious decisions on their sexual and reproductive health.

Importance Of Contraception

Credible information regarding contraceptive methods is crucial to the health of all individuals. The preliminary goal of WCD hence is to increase awareness of the various contraceptive method’s potency in preventing undesirable pregnancies. The prevention of unintended pregnancies plays a significant role in reducing the incidence of maternal ill-health and deaths, delaying teenage and older age pregnancies, spacing out children, and even lowering the risk of sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis, gonorrhoea, AIDS or HIV. Moreover, by diminishing the rates of unintended pregnancies, contraception also significantly reduces the need for unsafe abortion.

Also Read: Side Effects Of Birth Control Pills

Well, even though it’s the 21st century, the use of contraception and knowledge regarding contraceptive methods are still hushed in our society. And over the years, this misinformation regarding contraceptives has led to certain myths that simply create unnecessary fear in the minds of people and may even dissuade some from using the most suitable birth control for them.

So, let this 2-minute read be an eye-opener for you and unmask some of the widespread associated notions regarding birth control methods.

Common Beliefs About Contraception

#Myth 1:

Certain contraceptive methods can inflict infertility in women


Wrong! Oral contraceptive pills are beneficial only when a woman takes them regularly without fail. Apart from permanent sterilization methods like vasectomy or tubectomy, birth control pills never interfere with your innate fertility. With most hormonal forms of birth control, a woman has to simply stop using the preferred method and begin to work on conceiving. As soon as you stop, your body quickly goes on with its natural reproductive functions, and most people can conceive even if they’ve used hormonal contraception for years at a stretch.

#Myth 2:

The use of hormonal contraceptives can increase the risk of cancer


False. In fact, according to experts, oral contraceptive pills can diminish the risk of certain cancers, such as ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer, in women. Therefore, it can be safe to deduce that oral contraceptives deliver some form of protection against these cancers. However, in case of any doubt, it is best to consult a gynaecologist before starting to take oral contraceptive pills.

#Myth 3:

Usage of contraception prevents STIs altogether


Partially Correct! While barrier methods such as condoms can undoubtedly help to curtail the possibility of contracting an STI, they are still not safe. For example, the herpes virus can thrive on parts of the genitals that are not wrapped in a condom.

Moreover, apart from condoms, other hormonal forms of birth control or ligatures are completely inefficient for deterring STIs. In case, you use this form of birth control, then it is extremely necessary to speak to your treating doctor about other ways to ameliorate your risk of catching an STI.

#Myth 4:

Oral contraceptives can lead to weight gain


Erroneous! Hormonal birth control tools can have side effects, but this is one issue that you need not have to worry about. There are at present no studies or evidence that correlate the usage of birth control pills with significant weight gain in women. Unreliable reports of women gaining weight while taking birth control pills may be associated with other lifestyle factors.

For example, many women begin taking birth control during times when their body is already going through crucial changes physically or emotionally, which might lead to stressful situations, lack of sleep and emotional eating, causing a gain in weight.

#Myth 5:

Contraception is only to be adopted by women


Highly Inaccurate. Just like timing or planning a pregnancy requires a joint decision by a couple. Similarly, in these modern times, contraception should also be deemed as teamwork by both partners. A couple should recognize which form of contraception works for them rather than setting up their beliefs on some age-old notions. A couple can also speak to a gynaecologist to help them in the process.