Have you wondered when as kids, any moment we stepped outside the house, why we were constantly warned by our parents or grandparents about staying away from the direct sun or staying in the shade? Is sun protection so important? Perhaps it is. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, staying away from harsh sun rays or wearing sunscreen is not a makeup trend but an inevitable part of your daily routine and as important as any other health regime. While a certain dose of morning sunlight is important, protecting the skin from too much exposure to ultraviolet rays is a must as it can lead to a host of skin problems including skin cancer.

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How Does Sun Protection Cream Help?

Sunrays contain UVA and UVB. UVB is the kind responsible for sunburns, while UVA is the kind that reaches deeper into the skin and causes ageing and increases your risk of skin cancer. When it comes to sun protection lotions and creams, zillion myths float around this skin ingredient. Markets are flooded with fancy ones containing SPF starting from 15 and going all the way up to 100. The biggest myth about this cosmetic product is that a super-high sunscreen SPF should give you the best protection against damaging UV radiation. This may sound great theoretically, but in practice, the fact is a little different. A sunscreen with SPF 30 blocks nearly 97% of UVB radiation, SPF 50 blocks about 98%, and SPF 100 blocks about 99%. Therefore, a sunscreen with an SPF 30 is quite apt for protection against sun damage. Before you jump on to choosing from amongst myriad sun protection options available around, let’s get to brass tacks and find out a few fundamental facts about these sun protection substances and how different is sunblock from sunscreen. While both keep sunrays at bay, the key difference between them is in their way of protecting against us UV rays.

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Sunscreen also called chemical sunscreen absorbs the sunshine before it can penetrate into the skin. Sunblock or physical sunscreen stays on the skin and blocks harmful rays by reflecting them.

With Right SPF and broader spectrum, both offer ample protection. For absorbent face sun protection, choose sunscreen since sunblock contains a tad bit more titanium dioxide or zinc oxide making the formula thicker. If you love a thick shield on your face, try sunblock.

Go for a broad-spectrum sunscreen which is better since it blocks both UVA and UVB rays. While every sunscreen is good to safeguard skin, don’t forget to be fully clothed when ever outside along with sunglasses to shield sensitive skin around your eyes. Another important thing to keep in mind is whether it is cold, cloudy, or less sunny, apply your sunscreen the same way you would on a warm sunny day.

To know how to pick a sunblock or sunscreen with components that serve the exact purpose of wearing sunscreen, foray into this infographic:

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