World Contraception Day is observed every year on September 26, across the globe with an aim to raise awareness about contraception. This event organises several campaigns to educate the populace about various birth control options available to both men and women and enable them to make an informed decision regarding their sexual and reproductive health. It also works for providing better education related to safe and protected sex, so that no pregnancy is unplanned or unwanted.

It was first organised on 26 September 2007, by various international family planning organisations to promote family planning and contraceptive methods that are safe and ideal. World contraception Day is supported by an alliance with 15 international NGOs, government organizations, and medical fraternities with an interest in spreading the right information and knowledge about sexual and reproductive health.
World Contraception Day - September 26

According to World Health Organisation, about 214 million women of reproductive age in developing countries have an unmet need for contraception and reasons for this include:

Partial access to contraception

Less choice of methods

Fear of side effects

Cultural or religious disagreement

Poor availability of services

Gender-based barriers.

Importance of Contraception

Contraception information, knowledge and facilities are basic to the health and human rights of all individuals. Some of the benefits and needs for contraception include:

Using proper contraception helps in family planning. Being informed about several birth control methods can support a woman/couples decide when they want to have children and how many. A couple can choose when they want to begin with a family way, how long gap they want their children to be and when they should stop. It is suggested that an ideal gap of two or more pregnancies, which can help them prepare financially to meet their children’s educational needs and other commitments.

Young women who are not physically and mentally prepared for pregnancy may benefit from using contraception. Women can avert pregnancy with the assistance of contraception until they are physically strong for the same. Moreover, it can also help older women avert pregnancy, especially if they suffer from pregnancy-related risks or complications, thus minimising the need for abortion.

Birth control measures can also help regulate population growth. Well, the decision to have a baby or more is purely an individual’s decision but having more children can increase the population. Overpopulation can put excess pressure on society, the economy and health and educational services. Using the right contraception methods can help prevent unwanted pregnancies and may aid a couple to plan the number of children they wish to have, so that they can raise them well, both financially and emotionally.

Prevention of unintended pregnancies helps to minimise maternal ill-health and reduce the number of pregnancy-related mortality. BY lowering rate of unplanned pregnancies, contraception also reduces the need for unsafe abortion and HIV transmission from mothers to new-borns. Furthermore, this can also benefit female education and pay the way for women to involve completely in society, including better employment in rural areas.

Also Read: Side Effects Of Birth Control Pills

Facts About Contraception

  • Birth pills remain to be the most popular choice of birth control among women; however, their usage reduces as women age.
  • Tubal ligation is another popular method
  • Contraceptive patches and rings are more convenient than pills, as patches and rings need to be changed weekly and monthly basis, whereas pills need to be taken daily. Sometimes women may forget to take the pill daily
  • Implants and IUDs are other contraceptive methods that are most beneficial as their failure rate is less than 1 %