The World Brain Tumour Day is observed today to create awareness about the consequences of brain tumour, it causes, symptoms and available treatment options. In today’s fast-paced lifestyle and never-ending stress, we often ignore certain warning signs and symptoms that could risk a brain tumour.

Theme For World Brain Tumour Day :

The theme for World Brain Tumour Day 2024 is “Brain Health And Prevention.”Being led by the World Federation of Neurology (WFN) in partnership with each of the six WFN Regions, this health event promotes the criticality of brain health and preventative actions. This year's campaign gains pace from the World Health Organization's (WHO) active engagement, which highlights the Intersectoral Global Action Plan (IGAP) with an emphasis on neurological illnesses such as epilepsy.  

Significance Of World Brain Tumour Day:

World Brain Tumour Day is dedicated to spreading knowledge about the various types of brain tumours, their symptoms, and the importance of early diagnosis and treatment. It serves as a reminder of the ongoing need for research and advancements in medical science to better understand and combat this serious health condition.

The day also highlights the challenges faced by patients and their families, emphasizing the need for comprehensive support systems. By bringing attention to brain tumours, the day aims to destigmatize the condition and foster a community of solidarity and support. Brain Tumour Day encourages individuals to participate in educational events, fundraisers, and advocacy efforts to help improve the lives of those affected by brain tumours and to contribute to the global fight against this disease.

What Is Brain Tumour?

Brain tumour is a disorder where the brain cells multiply abnormally. These tumours can either be malignant (cancerous) or it could be non-cancerous(benign). The grading of the tumour from 1 to 4 depends upon the location and how fast the cells multiply and spread to other vital organs.

Certain factors that can up the risk of brain tumour are genetic predisposition, radiation and invasion of cancer cells from other parts in the body.

Brain tumour mimics regular headaches and it is vital in understanding the symptoms at the very beginning for a better treatment plan.

Warning signs and symptoms of brain tumour

Warning Signs and Symptoms Of Brain Tumour

Recurrent Headaches

A headache is quite a common symptom. However, it is also vital to watch out for sudden continuous headaches that get worse when you cough, bend, sneeze and does not show any relief even after medications.


Fits or seizures are usually related to epilepsy, but it could also possibly be a sign of brain tumour. Doctors say almost 60% of patients with tumours experience seizures. Seizure may be partial resulting in spasm affecting certain muscles or specific nerves which varies upon the location of tumour. Nausea, vomiting and headache are some of the signals before a seizure.

Problems With Vision

Some of the common eye problems including observing flashing lights, blurred vision, double vision, floating sight and lower vision could be indications of brain tumour.

Memory Loss

Patients with brain tumour suffer from memory loss, lack of focus and attentiveness and unable to process information especially if the tumour lies in the temporal or frontal lobe. Most often you may not remember people or places you knew previously.

Lack Of Control In Movements

Loss of balance, lack of coordination in the lower extremities, difficulty swallowing and numbness or weakness of the body are a few signals you should never ignore as your brain plays a major role in the motor functions of the body.

If you or anyone you know are suffering from these symptoms never ignore. Visit a neurologist as early as possible.


Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is one of the vital diagnostic tools. Generally, a contrast MRI is done to determine the nature of the tumour, its exact location and how far the tumour has spread.

Angiography is performed in tumour conditions like AVMs and aneurysm.

PETCT is done to know about the metabolic nature of the tumour.

CT scan uses a sequence of X-rays of the brain in various angles to determine the location of the tumour.


Partial removal of tumour alleviates the pain and pressure on the brain and lowers the amount of chemotherapy and radiation.



1. Advances in Brain and Spinal Cord Tumor Research - National Cancer Institute

2. Challenges to curing primary brain tumours

Authors: Kenneth Aldape 1, Kevin M Brindle 2, Louis Chesler 3, Rajesh Chopra 3, Amar Gajjar 4, Mark R Gilbert 5, Nicholas Gottardo 6, David H Gutmann 7, Darren Hargrave 8, Eric C Holland 9, David T W Jones 10, Johanna A Joyce 11, Pamela Kearns 12, Mark W Kieran 13, Ingo K Mellinghoff 14, Melinda Merchant 15, Stefan M Pfister 16, Steven M Pollard 17, Vijay Ramaswamy 18, Jeremy N Rich 19, Giles W Robinson 4, David H Rowitch 20, John H Sampson 21, Michael D Taylor 22, Paul Workman 3, Richard J Gilbertson 23 24