There is no denying that as we age chronologically, our bodies age right along with us. The good news is that you can increase your chances of maintaining a healthy brain, if you add smart foods & beverages to your diet!

Brain foods for concentration

Every bite of food you eat is a choice that either weakens or nurtures your brain.

The foods you prefer like sweets, which are high in sugar and trans fats can leave you feeling mentally hazy, restless, and depressed, while the right foods can make you mentally keen, focused and productive.

Some brain food snacks are particularly high in the nutrients needed to shape, support, and nourish brain cells.

Neurotransmitters are brain chemicals that have an essential role in the way you learn and remember, how happy and motivated you are, and how well you can relax and enjoy life.

Foods that are rich in essential brain nutrients will boost memory, protect brain cells and prevents mental disorders now and degenerative brain diseases in years to come.

What kind of food is good for the brain?

Boost Your Memory and Brain With these foods 

  • Almonds increase blood flow to the brain
  • Walnuts, a plant source high in omega 3 fatty acids, are the nut to reduce inflammation.
  • Blueberries - learning and motor skills
  • Fish - a top-notch brain food, mood booster and potent anti-inflammatory that lessen inflammation, fish is the perfect food for students for uplifting brain power.
  • Eggs - memory and learning
  • Avocados - keeps you motivated and focused
  • Dark chocolate aids memory, attention span, reaction time, and problem-solving.
  • Turmeric - Anti-Alzheimer's spice and repairs brain cells

The brain needs good nutrition to function well. Adding foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids, zinc, selenium, choline, and amino acids helps shield the brain from several diseases and improve memory, concentration, and attention. Well, if you want to augment your nutrition during exam time or stay sharp in your work, then it is essential to pay attention to your diet. Eating a healthy and wholesome diet that comprises brain-boosting foods may help to uplift your brain health and regulate cognitive skills, and memory power. Thus, your diet impacts brain health remarkably.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are The Best Foods To Boost Brain Functions?

Foods abundant in omega-3 fatty acids top the list including fatty fish, almonds, walnuts, and groundnuts. Also, try adding pumpkin seeds, broccoli, blueberries, and oranges to boost brain health. Additionally, drinking green tea on a regular basis helps optimise brain function, sharpens attention, and reduces anxiety.

What Foods Are Bad For The Brain?

Sugary drinks, refined carbs, foods high in trans-fat, highly processed foods and artificial sweeteners like aspartame are considered bad for brain health. Moreover, excessive consumption of these foods negatively impacts memory and increases the risk of dementia.

Is Egg Good For The Brain?

Yes, eggs are one of the best brain-healthy food that is packed with B vitamins and choline. Adding eggs to the diet plan is known to support brain function and development. Choline a key nutrient abundant in egg yolks aids in the communication between brain cells and averts cognitive decline.

What Is The Best Drink To Sharpen Memory?

Several studies have revealed that green tea can improve memory. It is a storehouse of amino acid L-theanine, which strengthens memory and attention. While caffeine content in green tea improves alertness, antioxidants protect brain cell from oxidative damage and amino acid helps to relax.

Is Milk Good For The Brain?

Yes, drinking a glass of milk every day can positively impact brain health and function. Milk is rich in vitamin B12, protein and other essential nutrients that are proven to enhance memory and mental agility. Milk is highly valued as the best dietary source for children for their overall brain development.