World Brain Tumour Day is observed on June 8 annually across the globe to raise awareness about the impact of brain tumours and support people affected by this life-threatening disease. This health event was first established in 2000 by the German Brain Tumour Association. Since then, it has been an annual campaign that brings together individuals, governments and non-governmental organizations and communities worldwide to impart awareness, and education and confer support for brain tumour patients and their families. This day also serves as a platform for medical experts and researchers to share knowledge and information about the current advancements in diagnosing and treating brain tumours.

Brain tumours develop when the cells inside the brain begin growing at an abnormal rate, which forms masses in the brain. The surrounding space inside the skull is limited and when these abnormal cells begin to close the space, the symptoms are noticeable. Persistent headaches, nausea, weakness, or numbness in certain parts of the body, and loss of balance are the symptoms of brain tumours, and they can affect people of any age. A brain tumour is often very hard to diagnose and treat and can greatly impact the patient’s quality of life. Brain tumour is the eighth most common cancer among people over 40 years of age. Each day around 500 new cases are diagnosed with brain tumours globally. Where the number of patients with secondary tumours is even higher.

Also Read: World Brain Tumour Day 2020: Understand The Risk Factors

Exposure to radiation and a strong family history of brain cancer are well-known risk factors for developing brain tumours. According to the National Health Portal (NHP), Government of India, brain tumour cases are rising in India. While it is observed in children too, more common in young girls than boys. Prompt detection and treatment can result in early recovery and better outcomes.

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Well, no single food can avert disease. Although certain foods are famed as superfoods bestowed with anticancer traits that help in preventing tumours. Several pieces of evidence have shown promising healing benefits of foods laden with phytochemicals and antioxidants.

Here we have curated 7 superfoods to mitigate your risk of cancer.


Berries are a powerhouse of antioxidants that delivers protection against cancer. Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries to mention a few are laden with antioxidants that attribute anticancer activities. Antioxidants are well-known for their protecting qualities and their ability to combat external radicals that may increase the risk of tumour cell growth.


The goodness of lycopene compounds in tomatoes is credited to their antioxidant effects. Lycopene shields the skin from UV ray damage. Also, several studies have proven that lycopene is beneficial in safeguarding against various types of cancer.

Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous veggies are bestowed with an impressive profile of nutrients that are valuable for the brain and body. Cabbage, broccoli, lettuce, kale, and cauliflower are some of the vegetables laden with phytonutrients that avert the formation of tumours.


Turmeric is a highly prized spice for its medicinal and culinary purposes. Packed with potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antineoplastic properties, turmeric is beneficial in protecting against chronic diseases like cancer and boosting the immune system. While the antineoplastic action of turmeric aids in preventing free radical damage and battling cancer.


Flaxseeds are a powerhouse of antioxidant polyphenols that combat free radical damage and shield the body against cancer. Further, several researchers claim that flaxseeds may slow down the growth of tumour cells and fight cancer.


Nuts are endowed with a treasure trove of nutrients and bioactive compounds that are known for their indispensable health benefits and safeguard the body from cellular damage. Studies have shown that adding nuts as part of a diet regimen can lower the risk of brain tumours as well as various other cancers.

Also Read: Smile at the Sight of Nuts


Garlic abounds with good-for-you nutrients and potent antioxidants that confer healing health benefits. The remarkable medicinal qualities of garlic are credited to the presence of allicin which has been proven to fight tumour cells in the system. This superfood also boosts the immune system and brain health.