Optical coherence tomography is a noninvasive imaging method that uses low-coherence light to capture pictures and provide high-resolution, cross-sectional images of the retina, the optic nerve head, and the retinal nerve fiber layer. By providing an elaborate, detailed view of the retina, this modern imaging method is used to diagnose eye-related ailments arising due to underlying health conditions such as diabetes, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, and the beginning of retinal vascular disease.

These eye problems are potential causes of vision loss that may require an early diagnosis and treatment. OCT is also used to evaluate optic nerve disorders. This method is useful in diagnosing diseases related to the eyes because a direct biopsy of this organ cannot be conducted. It is one of the most effective ways to diagnose Papilledema; an ailment that leads to visual disturbances and happens due to an inflammation of the optic disc. OCT technique can be used to measure the amount of optic disc edema that could be a prime cause of sudden vision loss.

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An OCT helps your ophthalmologist see noticeable changes to the fibers of the optic nerve. For instance, it can promptly detect changes caused by glaucoma or an important parameter to assess the severity of diabetic retinopathy; leading cause of visual impairment in working-age adults across the globe. It can also detect dense cataracts or significant bleeding in the vitreous-the gel-like fluid that fills the space between the lens and the eyeball retina or the vitreous chamber. Optical Coherence Tomography always relies on light waves.

Who Can Get An OCT Done?

OCT scans are recommended for people aged 25 or above and who are keen to know more about their eye health, besides people who have diabetes, glaucoma, personal history of certain eye conditions, a family history of eye problems or people with high blood pressure. However, if your vision and eye health are perfectly fine, still an OCT scan may be recommended by your optoOptical coherence tomographymetrist who may ask for an OCT testing if you have an increased risk of eye-related diseases or you are above age 50.

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What Conditions Can OCT Help Diagnose?

By measuring the thickness of specific layers of the retina, OCT can detect signs of eye diseases and eye conditions that could be potentially sight-threatening. Some of them are:

  • Macular hole retinal detachment
  • Macular pucker
  • Neuro-ophthalmic conditions
  • Macular edema
  • Age-related macular degeneration
  • Glaucoma
  • Central serous retinopathy
  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Detection of age-associated changes in teeth
  • Detection of age-associated changes in teeth
  • Vitreous traction

Does OCT Test Has Side Effects?

There aren't any risks or side effects associated with optical coherence tomography scans, except dryness or eye fatigue. However, because this type of test relies on light, OCT is not very effective if you have a thick cataract.  Although the technique uses very bright light or flash, but these lights do not cause any harm to your eyes.

What Are The Risks Of OCT?

Optical coherence tomography does not require any special preparation as there are no risks involved in this technique. Sometimes it can cause any co-related health disorder. Very rarely and in few cases, OCT can cause certain complications such as arrhythmia (abnormal heartbeat) or blockage, dissection or spasm of the artery. In some cases, an optometrist may ask that your eyes are dilated during the OCT exam. Depending on the level or history of eye disease, during dilation, the optometrist will put eye drops into the patient’s eyes that cause the pupils to expand or dilate thus providing the optometrist a larger view of your retina.

You can now book your diagnostic tests online or by downloading Netmeds App. Check out our diagnostic services to avail of cool deals, and discounts from our top-selling packages.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Preparation Should I Take if I’m Going For an OCT Exam?

There’s no specific preparation required for an OCT test. During the scan you would be asked to sit and rest your chin on a support table attached to the machine and the machine will scan one eye at a time. You should focus on a green target within the machine and may observe a red line while taking the scan. The OCT scan will take a few minutes to complete.

Are There Any Risks Of OCT Scan?

There aren’t any specific risks or side effects associated with OTC scans. Rarely some person may possibly experience dryness or eye fatigue. As this type of scan depends on light, OCT is not effective if the person has thick cataracts or heaving bleeding in the vitreous, which is the gel that fills the eyeball.

What Does The Results Mean?

The ophthalmologist will evaluate the OCT scan and explain the result to the patient. Also, they would evaluate reports and may compare old scans to newer ones.


Optical Coherence Tomography is an effective noninvasive test to provide high-resolution, cross-sectional images of the retina, the optic nerve head, and the retinal nerve fiber layer. Also called a digital eye exam, OCT testing gives your optometrist an in-depth look into your eyes without doing any surgery. The process is quick and does not cause any pain. Besides checking eye-related diseases, it is also helpful in diagnosing other health problems such as high blood pressure, multiple sclerosis, and vascular diseases.