Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is a disorder that develops from concentrating on a computer screen or any other display gadget for a prolonged duration where the eye muscles get strained severely. Reports reveal that almost 50 -90% of people who work at the computer may experience some of the symptoms. CVS not only affects the working adults but also kids who play extensively with tablets or use computer play stations. Also Read: Simple Steps To Reduce The Eye Strain

computer vision syndrome

There are several factors which can trigger computer vision syndrome include:

  • Uncorrected eyeglasses power
  • Using unsuitable computer glasses
  • Problem in eye coordination
  • The strain on the eye muscles due to work overload
  • Decreased blink rate
  • Lightings, glare and reflection from the surrounding
  • Stress and work nature
  • Poor planning of workstation

How CVS Affects Vision?

Computer vision syndrome develops when the eyes follow the same path of repetitive motions for an extended duration of time. People while working at a computer eyes have to focus and refocus constantly , eyes move back and forth as they work or read and may also have to look down for information and then type. The eyes are made to respond to repetitively moving or changing images, altering focus and sending rapidly changing images to the brain, all of which put the eye muscles under tremendous strain. Things get even worse as the screen adds glare, contrast and flicker.

People tend to blink far less frequently while working at the computer which makes the eyes dry and blurs the vision. Problems can also get worsened if you have any previous eye issues, using the wrong glasses and not using the glasses when you have to.

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The most common symptoms associated with CSV include:

These symptoms can be worsened by the poor infract structure such as lightning, heavy coloured spectrum background or air moving from the fan or ventilation.

Diagnosis And Treatment

CVS is a different condition from other eye problems, the ophthalmologist usually recommend specific tests such as refractive error correction, complete eye health evaluation, examining of visual functions of workstation and evaluation of lighting and arrangements of the workstation. A detailed clinical evaluation will help to identify the causative factor behind CVS and correct them.

A few changes in your workstation can ease the symptoms and correct the problem which includes:

Reorganize the desk-place -place computer monitor slightly below your eye level at about 20-28 inches away from your face.

Take a break-20-20-20 rule is the best solution for CVS, look away from your screen every 20 minutes, at about 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Eat well-balanced nutritious foods to improve vision. Also Checkout: World Sight Day: Do These To Promote Eye Vision-Infographic

Blink often which helps to keep the eyes moist and use OTC eye drops if you feel that eyes are dry.

Change the settings of the desktop -fine-tune the brightness, contrast and the font size of your monitor to find out what suits well for you.