Mother nature confers us with umpteen natural foods that offer amazing health incentives, while certain foods often take the limelight for their unique health-benefitting traits. One such hidden gem from the sea is wakame seaweed. These tiny seeds have been a staple food in Japanese and Korean cuisine for centuries. However, they are now gaining global recognition for their remarkable nutritional profile, diverse uses, and a host of associated health benefits.

Dive into this article to explore more about wakame seaweed nutrition content, versatile uses, and potential health merits while shedding light on its side effects.

What Is Wakame Seaweed?

Though seaweed is mostly associated with a slimly, smelly thing found on the beach, it is also heaped with immense nutrient profile and tasty. Seaweeds of several colours, shapes, and sizes, are found in oceans across the globe. For instance, kelp (laminaria) forests deliver an edible seaweed species known as wakame, which people identify as a habitat for marine life creatures in shallow, coastal waters globally. Some people may have already consumed wakame (Undaria) without even knowing it. Evidence reveals that the distinctive dark green colour of the weed comes from the presence of fucoxanthin, a rare chemical element found in only certain plants with numerous medicinal and nutritional qualities.
wakame seaweed

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Wakame seaweeds have a silky texture and distinct briny, a kind of sweet taste. This brown alga is similar to nori and kombu but turns green when processed.

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Nutritional Content of Wakame Seaweed

Wakame seaweeds are an impressive source of essential nutrients that contribute to a wholesome and varied diet.

Dietary Fibre: Wakame seaweeds are packed with dietary fibre, which aids in digestion and promotes a feeling of fullness, making them a valuable addition to weight management diet regimens.

Protein: These seeds are an abundant source of plant-based protein, making them an excellent choice for vegans and vegetarians looking to meet their protein needs.

Vitamins: Wakame seaweeds provide essential vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C, and various B vitamins, contributing to overall health and immunity.

Minerals: They are notably rich in minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, and iodine, which are vital for bone health, red blood cell production, muscle function, and thyroid regulation.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Wakame seaweeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, known for their anti-inflammatory properties and benefits for heart health.

Antioxidants: Wakame seaweeds are a storehouse of antioxidants like fucoxanthin the main carotenoid in brown algae. Studies reveal that antioxidant potential is 13.5 times higher than vitamin E, which aids in safeguarding cellular membranes. Further, it also contains ample reserves of phytochemicals like flavonoids, beta-carotene, folate and antioxidants. They are well-known to trigger the immune system, maintain neurons and blood vessels healthy and lower the risk of developing chronic diseases.

Health Benefits of Wakame Seaweed

Supports Skin Health

Wakame seaweed is endowed with a wealth of essential nutrients like vitamin C and omega-3 fatty acids that help to optimise overall skin beauty and health. Evidence reveals that wakame seaweeds promote collagen production, a protein vital for repairing damaged skin tissues and regenerating new skin cells. The goodness of antioxidants in wakame aids in nourishing, moisturising, and smoothening the skin. Besides these, wakame seaweed also helps to thicken hair and nails by improving keratin synthesis.

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Incorporating this seaweed into your diet regimen slows down signs of premature ageing like scars, blemishes, wrinkles, and age spots.

Anti-inflammatory Effects

Being a powerhouse of antioxidants wakame seaweed guards the system from oxidative stress and unstable molecules such as free radicals. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids it helps to reduce inflammation and prevents the risk of developing illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, and gut issues. Furthermore, wakame contains polyphenols, which are credited to possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions that lower the risk of diseases like cancer, heart disease, and inflammation.
Wakame fresh

Thyroid Health

Thyroid hormones play a critical role in growth, metabolism, protein synthesis, and cell repair, regulate metabolism and are vital for brain development during pregnancy and infancy. Iodine is an important mineral for thyroid gland function. Wakame seaweed is a powerhouse of iodine that contains about 42 mg per 100 grams. Regular addition of this seed positively improves thyroid health and function.

However, it is important for people with hypo or hyperthyroidism to consult with their doctor before adding wakame or seaweed.

Weight Loss

The high fibre content of wakame seaweed can aid in weight management by promoting a feeling of fullness and regulating appetite. A study revealed that fucoxanthin in wakame seaweed aids in regulating fat deposition and triglycerides, which eventually helps in shedding surplus kilos.

Augments Cardiac Health

The omega-3 fatty acids in wakame seaweed can help lower the risk of heart disease by reducing inflammation, improving cholesterol levels, and supporting healthy blood pressure. A study disclosed that fucoxanthin in wakame seaweed supports the liver to produce more DHA, a kind of fatty acid that decreases LDL (bad) cholesterol.

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Manages Diabetes

The bioactive compound fucoxanthin exerts anti-diabetic effect in obese people. Adding this seaweed helps to balance blood glucose and insulin levels owing to its goodness of magnesium. Moreover, regular addition of wakame seaweeds helps avert prediabetes and improves insulin resistance.

Prevents Cancer

Wakame seaweeds is heaped with a treasure trove of bioactive fucoidan sulphated polysaccharide that delivers umpteen health-benefiting properties like antioxidant and antiviral. It is known to suppress cancer cell development and proliferation. The bioactive compound is also responsible for its anti-cancer actions and iodine assists in cancer cell death.

Bone Health

Packed with calcium wakame seaweed supports maintaining stronger and healthy bones. It also contains impressive amounts of vitamin K, which benefits bone health, metabolism, and overall well-being. Thus, adding wakame seaweed is particularly beneficial for individuals at risk of osteoporosis and minimises fractures and bone loss.

Boosts Energy

This humble seaweed contains a fair amount of carbohydrates, protein and iron that helps boost energy levels. Ample amounts of magnesium in wakame aid in converting dietary carbs into energy. Magnesium can help effectively transfer energy and produce and utilise protein, which is required for bodily function associated with growth, development and repair. Thus, complementing diet with sufficient magnesium through wakame can assist in maintaining energy levels and prevent fatigue.


Wakame Salad


1 tbsp dried wakame seaweed

2-3 finely chopped, shallots

1.5 tbsp soy sauce

1 tbsp vinegar

1 tbsp sesame seed oil

½  tsp cayenne pepper

1 tsp ginger, grated

2 tsp sesame seeds

wakame salad


Wash the seaweed and soak it in at least five times its volume of water in a bowl. Let it rest for 10 minutes, or until completely rehydrated and tender.

In a bowl, add the remaining ingredients (except the sesame seeds).

Gently press the seaweed to remove extra water. Add it to the bowl.

Toss, and adjust seasoning as per your taste.

Garnish with sesame seeds and serve.


Wakame seaweeds packed with an impressive profile of essential nutrients are well-known to enhance skin health, trigger metabolism, support weight loss and optimise heart function.

Uses of Wakame Seaweed

Wakame seaweed offers versatility in making a rich array of nutritious delights and can be incorporated into a spectrum of dishes:

Salads: Sprinkle wakame seaweed on salads to add a crunchy texture and a subtle oceanic flavour.

Sushi and Sashimi: They are commonly used in sushi and sashimi preparations, contributing to the unique taste and texture of these Japanese delicacies.

Soups: Wakame seaweed can be used to enhance the flavour and nutrition of miso soup or other broths.

Stir-Fries: Add them to stir-fried vegetables or tofu for an extra burst of nutrition.

Snacks: Roasted wakame seaweed makes for a healthy, crunchy snack option.

Is It Safe To Eat Seaweed Daily?

Yes, having fresh seaweed is generally considered safe for most healthy adults. Plant-based food confers several health benefits, but there are certain things to consider. Excess iodine intake may negative impact on thyroid health and function.

Is Wakame Seaweed Vegetarian?

Yes, seaweed is 100 per cent vegan as these are plants and not animal products involved in its production. Also, several studies claim that all types of seaweed are vegan which serves as a good source of protein for vegetarians and vegans.

Wakame Seaweed vs. Nori

Wakame and nori are both seaweeds largely used in cuisines. Wakame is typically available as dried strings or threads in the air-dried form. You should rehydrate before cooking, which is mainly used for making salads and soups. On the other hand, nori is available as dried sheets that go through the compression process before being packed. It is mildly toasted and used right away without soaking. Sushi, rice balls, and noodles are the most common uses.

Potential Side Effects

While wakame seaweed offers numerous health benefits, it's essential to consume them in moderation, as excessive iodine intake can lead to thyroid dysfunction. People with iodine allergies or thyroid disorders should consult a healthcare professional before adding wakame seaweed to their diet.


Wakame seaweeds are a nutritional powerhouse from the sea, offering a multitude of health benefits, from heart health to bone strength. Their versatility makes them an easy addition to a rich array of dishes, providing a distinct flavour and a nutrient punch. However, people should be cautious and seek advice from their healthcare provider if they have specific health concerns related to iodine intake. With wakame seaweed, you can savour the taste of the ocean while nourishing your body with a wealth of nutrients.