Day in and day out, have you been reading about your daily dose and servings of vegetables, their nutritional value, health benefits, and so forth? We bet you are loaded with ample information on most leafy greens and non-leafy ones as well. Food for thought about your sea greens or sea vegetables? Sea veggies are nothing but edible marine algae or seaweed that can be found in fresh, or powdered forms. Primarily, this algae comes from the depths of oceans and has many bountiful benefits that may surprise you. And yes, most of them are edible too! 

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From many such edible algae varieties, Kelp is a multicolored marine plant and a type of large brown seaweed that grows below the low-tide level, near coastal fronts, along rocky shorelines, seabeds, and even until as far as sunlight can penetrate through.  A type of seaweed, this natural herb is replete with wholesome nutrients.

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Not very rare in the culinary world, seaweed is already a staple in many global cuisines. Rich natural source of essential vitamins and minerals, it absorbs the nutrition from nutrient-rich saltwater in its surrounding marine environment. It has a rich antioxidant profile that can prevent an illness and benefit our health in many other ways. As much a favorite of health aficionados, it is adored by people who love to invest in their skin.

Here are some interesting facts about this algae

  • It produces a compound called sodium alginate. It is used as a thickener for many foods and salad dressings
  • It has a significant amount of Vitamin K, calcium, and folate that plays a key role in bone health
  • Kelp can be eaten raw in many different forms, including raw, cooked, and a powdered form
  • Kelp is one of the best natural food sources of iodine that augments thyroid hormone production
  • Kelp contains Pantothenic acid (also called vitamin B5) a rare vitamin that is otherwise found in poultry, seafood as well as beef

The mineral and antioxidant-rich profile of sea kelp is known to soften and hydrate super dry skin, hence sea kelp extracts in skincare are loved by those with extremely dry skin.  To know a bit more about it super skin incentives, foray into this infographic:

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