Today is Valentine's Day. While the nip in the air is slowly dissipating, love is everywhere, and it is tangible. Celebrating February 14 as Valentine's Day is now a tradition in India, not only among the youth but also for married couples. Much is being written about Valentine's Day, ways to celebrate, gifts for her/him, romantic ideas, etc., but this article is not on those topics.

It is for those singles who went through a breakup, nursing a wounded heart and soul and trying to regain their emotional well-being. Breaking up can be very difficult, make you feel lonely, and one may feel dejected without love and support. Read on to know more about how one can get over the idea of just romantic love and practice self-love, self-care, and self-compassion.

If you are going solo this Valentine's Day, do the following to spend it happily, just with yourself or with family and friends.

Take Care of Yourself:

Self-care and self-love are the latest buzzwords recommended by psychiatrists and wellness experts worldwide. Love yourself, live optimistically, and get out of the conditioned mindset. Discover what makes you happy, indulge in a spa treatment, enjoy a movie, play video games, or travel. Get out of your comfort zone and engagingly plan your day.

Also Read: Valentine’s Day: This Is Why You Should Practice Self-Love On This Special Occasion and Always!

Let Your Feelings Out:

We agree that each processes the breakups differently. While some may not want to talk about it, others may not like to express it. However, psychiatrists strongly recommend letting your feelings out to feel lighter and more suitable about yourself. Confide in your close friends and family, and express your thoughts and feelings; it may sound surprising, but tearing up is okay! A good cry is therapeutic and clears your thought process.

Social Media Detox:

It is natural to wonder what your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse is up to on Valentine's Day. Make a promise to yourself to stay away from social media and not to stalk them online. Be aware of the content you are consuming on social media. Many posts can bring back old, painful memories, overwhelming, and remember; it will not have any positive outcome for you.

Also Read: Digital Health In The Age Of Social Media

Shop For Yourself:

You know what you want, and it's your life. Revamp your bucket list and revisit your hobbies and likes, and dislikes. Fancying a whole set of pure essential oils that can up your beauty and calm your mind? Go for it. Try bright, vibrant lipsticks or those smoky eyeliners for that diva look.

Okay. What about men going through a breakup? There are many grooming essentials for men too! How about you check them out?

Valentine's Day Is Another Day:

That's true. It is like any other day; do not crack under peer pressure. It may sound great in a healthy relationship, but you don't have to loathe this day. Do you know? Tomorrow, i.e., February 15, is Single's Awareness Day. One more reason to indulge in your happiness and self-care.

How To Distract Yourself on Valentine's Day?

Gift something for yourself. Indulge in products that keep you emotionally happy and healthy.

Get into some self-care rituals. Go to a spa, hit the gym, and binge-watch a new, exciting show.

Travel alone or with close family and friends. Relish all the food on your plate and visit new places.

Go for social media detox. Stay away from the phone, if possible

Keep yourself first. Make physical, mental, and emotional health a top priority.