Depending on which region of India you reside in – North, South, East, West, Central, you may be experiencing a chilly winter gust, pleasant spring breeze or scorching summer heat as you step outdoors this time of year. But no matter the different temperatures in the atmosphere in various geographical parts of the Indian subcontinent currently, one thing remains the same everywhere - love is in the air. What with Valentine’s Day fast approaching and February 14conveniently falling on a weekend in 2021, it gives you ample time to plan an exclusive warm surprise for your beloved and impress them with your sweeping romantic gestures. And while red roses, elegant jewellery, earnest poetry are all classic ways to convey your affectionate feelings for one another, nothing says “I Love You” in a more heartfelt manner than food. Especially celebrating with your dearest in a foreign locale, wherein you take them to a fancy dinner served in a plush ambience under a moonlit starry night.

Also Read: Valentine’s Day 2020: Cook Up A Dessert Storm To Wow Your Loved One

Scrumptious Nourishing Recipes From Italian Cuisine For V Day:

Of course, we understand that 2020 must have been a huge disappointment for all of you lovebirds out there, right from newlyweds excited for their honeymoon, to couples eager to go on an intimate tour. The rigorous lockdown restrictions amidst the raging COVID-19 pandemic imposed a still ongoing curb on international travel for tourists, resulting in couples having to cancel vacation plans to dreamy destinations, like say, for instance, Italy in Europe. Well, what if we told you that there exists an easy way by which you could bring the idyllic picturesque Italia home, along with loads of good health and nutrition?

Yes indeed, by merely rustling up these wholesome, appetising recipes of creamy broccoli pasta and chocolate almond biscotti, then indulging in them amidst a candlelight dinner in the comfort of your abode. We guarantee that post relishing these mouth-watering dishes packed with essential nutrients which enhance overall wellbeing, your sweetheart will certainly fall for you all over again!

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Creamy Broccoli Pasta
Creamy Broccoli Pasta


For Boiling:

2 cups penne pasta

A pinch of salt

5 cups water

For Sauteing:

3 tsp olive oil

2 large broccoli, cut into florets

1 cup green beans, whole

2 garlic pieces, minced

1 cup cream cheese

Salt, as per taste

Pepper, as required

½ tsp dried oregano

½ tsp red chilli flakes


In a vessel, boil water and cook the penne pasta along with a bit of salt for 15 minutes, so it becomes soft.

Heat olive oil in a pan on medium flame and sauté the broccoli florets, green beans, minced garlic for 5 minutes.

Add the cream cheese to the sautéed broccoli, mix it in thoroughly and cook for another 7 minutes on low flame.

Sprinkle some salt, pepper, dried oregano, red chilli flakes to this mixture and stir well, so the flavours blend in and turn off the stove.

Enjoy the creamy broccoli pasta warm, alongside a fresh veg salad.


Made from wheat flour, penne pasta supplies calories, carbohydrates for instant energy and olive oil is a powerhouse of healthy unsaturated fats for heart wellness. Garlic is laden with vitamin B6 and a sulphur-based antioxidant called allicin, which improve brain power, memory and lower the risk of neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer’s and dementia. Cream cheese contains vast reserves of vitamin A for promoting eyesight, as well as proteins for strong muscles. Green beans offer vital minerals of calcium, magnesium, phosphorous for fortified bones, while broccoli comprises profuse amounts of dietary fibers for smooth digestion.

Also Read: Broccoli For Blissful Health

Chocolate Almond Biscotti
Chocolate Almond Biscotti


1 cup almonds

1 bar of chocolate

2 cups all-purpose flour

1 cup brown sugar

1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp salt

½ cup unsalted butter

3 eggs

4 tbsp vegetable oil

1 tbsp vanilla essence


In a pan, melt a small cube of butter, roast the almonds and switch off the flame.

Cut the roasted almonds into long thin pieces and chop the chocolate bar into fine shavings.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celcius.

In a bowl, whisk together the all-purpose flour, brown sugar, baking powder, salt, unsalted butter. Transfer the roasted almonds and chocolate shavings into this blend.

Beat the eggs along with vegetable oil, vanilla essence in another bowl, pour it into the flour mixture and stir with a spatula to obtain a dough.

Dust some all-purpose flour on the dough, knead it uniformly flat and shape into a roll.

Place the rolled dough along the length of the baking tray and bake for 20 minutes until the top surface becomes slightly browned.

Take the baking tray out of the oven, allow it to cool down for 10 minutes and cut the roll into even cookie slices.

Bake again for 10 minutes, so the cookies become hard and crumbly in the edges with soft centres, then turn off the oven, remove the baking tray and let it cool down completely.

Bite into these chocolate almond biscotti, whilst sipping on some hot Italian-style coffee - espresso, cappuccino or mocha.


Almonds are bestowed with vitamin E, that enriches skin texture and hair growth, in addition to vitamin B1, vitamin B2, which bolster metabolism. Chocolate is made from cacao beans, that possess aphrodisiac traits for uplifting sexual health. Butter is imbued with copious quantities of beneficial unsaturated fats and omega 3 fatty acids, which promote heart functions and prevent cardiac ailments. Eggs are a wonderful source of high-quality proteins, supplying all the essential amino acids, for optimal growth, development and immunity.