Today is Valentine’s Day, it’s that time of the year to bask again in oodles of love and joy, with the people who matter you the most. Okay! If you are single, don’t lose your heart yet and there is always the right time to get mingled. Meanwhile, shall we focus on ‘love thy self’?

Self-care and self-love are the buzz words of this pandemic era, which made us realize its importance like never before, especially when it comes to mental health. While it is an immense blessing to be surrounded by the loved ones, you should not forget how taking care of our own emotional, mental and physical wellbeing is equally important for staying happy and healthy always.

Also Read: Emotional Eating: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment
Self-loving woman

What Is Self-Love?

The word self-love may sound a little narcissistic but trust us, it is not. Self-love is all about appreciating oneself, having a great regard for your own joy, attending to your own needs for both physical and emotional wellbeing. This also means standing up for yourself, being mindful of your rights and achieving all that you deserve in a lifetime.

How To Practice Self-Love and Self-Care?

  • Prioritize yourself
  • Have faith in your abilities
  • Forgive yourself and don’t be judgemental of your mistakes in the past
  • Be true and nice to yourself
  • Eat healthy. It’s alright to indulge in your favourite foods, occasionally

Stay Mindful:

People practicing self-care are often aware of their thought process, feelings and their needs. And there is nothing wrong in that. Being mindful aids in transformation for good, staying more compassionate, kinder to oneself and others as well. It also helps in responding to challenges with more confidence, unlearn usual, habitual ways of thinking and transforming the entire mindset.

Healthy Habits:

Staying both physically and mentally fit is a crucial part of self-care. Healthy eating habits, regular workouts, spending time productively doing what you like need to be cultivated and nurtured on a daily basis for leading a super happy life.

Stay Focused:

Life may throw a lot of curveballs, but it shouldn’t serve you as a deterrent. Be it in professional or personal life, ensure sticking to a plan, staying focussed, re-evaluating progress and charting out the route ahead for being successful.

Also Read: Modern Meditation Techniques For Mental And Emotional Well-Being
Do the things you love

Ways To Indulge In Self-Love On Valentine’s Day:

Well, it is all about you. Plan and execute whatever gives you that immense joy and happiness.

Eat To Your Heart’s Content:

Yep! Get yourself on a dinner date. Book a table in your favourite restaurant and indulge in everything all that you look like. Relish, unapologetically.

Gift Yourself:

What is Valentine’s Day without gifts? Treat yourself to simple pleasures of life be it just flowers, happy movie time or even an expensive perfume, branded bag or a wristwatch! Go, get it!

Go Spa:

Self-care involves loads of beauty regimen and do not deny it to yourself on this special day. Set the mood and ambience at your home for an in-house spa treatment for a massage, in the backdrop of soothing music, candles or splurge big bucks in a fancy spa. You deserve it.

Jot Down:

Letting out your feelings is great but why don’t you do it on a positive note? Make a list of all that you like about yourself, express gratitude and why, what you are thankful for. Save it, read on it on not-so-happy days for triggering joyful mood instantly.


Last, but not least, make sometime for yourself. Get into the bed with your favourite book, listen to soothing music or just break into a jig to a peppy number. Take a deep breath, enjoy the moment, meditate and unwind.