Tooth pain is a sign of discomfort experienced in the region of the teeth or the surrounding gums, within the mouth. It can occur in people of all ages and is triggered due to numerous health problems.

Children commonly experience toothaches when they lose their milk teeth as they grow up and when new, permanent teeth start to grow in its place. Teenagers and young adults generally report instances of toothaches due to improperly aligned teeth or while consuming very hot or very cold food and drink.

Whether the toothache or pain felt in either one tooth or many teeth is mild or severe, it is always advised to seek immediate medical attention, to identify the exact cause of the agony in the oral cavity i.e. the mouth.

This is because, in certain grave situations, tooth pain could indicate major complications in other organs in the body, such as heart attacks and thus need to be treated immediately by a healthcare professional.


The usual signs of toothaches, irrespective of the degree of pain experienced, are as follows:

  • Throbbing sensation and sharp, radiating pain while chewing on food
  • Extreme agony and sensitivity in teeth while sipping on hot or cold beverages
  • Soreness and stinging feeling while pressing down on or touching the teeth, like while brushing

Underlying Health Anomalies That Can Cause Toothaches:

Tooth Decay

A cavity or decay in the pulp or corner of teeth is the most common factor of tooth pain in children and adults. Leftover food particles get accumulated in the tiny gaps between teeth, where eventually germs and bacteria thrive. This leads to cavities or small dents in teeth.

It is recommended to consult with a dentist and get cavities filled when they are still little in size, so as to avoid further issues of toothaches. Also Check Out: Dental Cavities: Easy Ways To Maintain Oral Hygiene - Infographic

Dental Abscess

In some cases where cavities are left untreated, the bacterial infections affect the deeper layer of teeth, resulting in excruciating pain due to dental abscess

Seek immediate medical treatment from a dentist, to remove the dental abscess and for relief from incessant tooth pain.

Developing Wisdom Tooth

Wisdom teeth can often cause pain when they start to develop in the rear end of the upper and lower jaw. The degree of pain experienced can be mild, medium or quite severe.

It is advised to gain professional medical inputs from a dentist and opt for a tooth extraction of wisdom teeth, in case pain is unbearable and persists for a long time. Also Read: Why Do Impacted Wisdom Teeth Hurt?


Inflammation of the sinuses to bacteria or viral infections can sometimes cause pain in the teeth as well. The main reason being, the sinuses are located near the roots of the upper teeth, thus causing extreme discomfort in some cases.

Treatment usually consists of relieving symptoms of sinus infection, to lower inflammation, which will in turn pacify tooth pain.

Heart Disease

The vagus nerve originates in the brain and runs down the body to the heart, via the jaws alongside the teeth. Naturally, complications in cardiac muscle activity or heart disease can result in pain in the teeth as well.

Promptly seek medical treatment to rectify the issues in the functioning of the heart, so as to gain relief from toothaches caused due to the same reasons.

Lung Cancer

Several nervous tissues, including the vagus nerve, pass through the teeth, jawbone and lungs in the body. Hence, tumourous growths in the lungs and bulging of chest cavity creates high pressure and tension in the oral regions as well, leading to jaw pain and toothaches.

It is strictly suggested to consult with a doctor, initiate treatment to eliminate lung cancer so as to lower pain in the teeth.

Neurological Problems

Rare complications involving the nervous system such as trigeminal neuralgia or occipital neuralgia cause major agony and swelling of the trigeminal and occipital nerves present in different organs in the head and facial region. These nerve endings extend along various areas of the skull, teeth, jaws and face, thus giving rise to toothaches.

Consulting with a neurologist to rectify the underlying issues will eventually also help to get rid of persistent toothaches that accompany these conditions.