A revolutionary discovery by researchers from two leading international universities reveal that human teeth may no longer require artificial fillings. Instead, infected pulpy tissue inside the tooth can be repaired and regenerated with stem cells.

Stem cells to replace tooth fillings

The future holds promising treatment procedures, involving minimal human efforts, and maximal recovery. With the advent of numerous techniques for high-risk sophisticated procedures, researchers tend not to overlook the low-risk diseases commonly impacting larger populations. One such innovative and revolutionary discovery involves the use of biomaterials for treating diseases of the human tooth.

The human tooth consists of three layers, namely, pulp, dentin, and enamel. The pulp is the innermost sensitive tissue layer, dentin is the outer bony one, and enamel is the outermost calcium layer. In the light of severe bacterial infection, the root canal procedure helps treat the respective dental condition. Together with the removal of damaged pulp tissue, synthetic tooth filling procedures are performed. However, these synthetic fillings could prove to be toxic, and highly incompatible with the cells of pulp tissues. Therefore, researchers from the University of Nottingham and the Wyss Institute at Harvard University have come up with a revolutionary solution. The solution involves placing the stem cells in contact with the regenerative pulp tissue. Stem cells possess the ability to develop into different types of cells in human body.

These can stimulate the repair and regeneration of pulp tissue and surrounding dentin. The bony dentin can then regrow, replacing the filling procedures. Ultimately, one can undergo a painless procedure, and receive the mechanism to facilitate natural restoration of the damaged tooth