Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx (voice box) due to overuse, irritation or any infection. The vocal cords are situated inside the larynx covering muscles and cartilage. Generally, vocal cords open and close smoothly, producing sounds through the movement and vibration. In a person suffering from laryngitis swelling and irritation leads to the distortion of the sounds formed and the voice becomes hoarse. In most of the cases, it is an acute condition triggered by a short term viral infection or voice strain, however continuous hoarseness can be a cause of severe medical condition.

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Some of the common signs and symptoms include:

Difficulty while eating food

Persistent cough

Dry throat

Hoarse voice

A sensation of a lump in the throat

An urge to clear the throat often

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home remedies


Some of the preventive measures to follow to aver the risk of laryngitis include:

Quit smoking and also avoid passive smoking, as the harmful nicotine dries your throat and irritates the vocal cords.

Restrict the intake of alcohol and caffeinated beverages.

Drink plenty of warm fluids to keep the throat moist and clear the mucus out.

Avoid eating deep-fried and spicy foods.

Include foods rich in vitamins A, C and E to trigger the immune system and to keep mucous membrane lining the throat healthy.

Avoid clearing the throat very often, as this may cause an abnormal vibration of vocal cords and increase the inflammation.

Wash your hand regularly and stay away from infected people to avoid chances of getting any infections.

Natural Home Remedies To Heal Laryngitis

When suffering from laryngitis your vocal cords are inflamed and swollen and need time to cure. The best possible way to heal the irritated vocal cord is to give ample rest and refrain from a lot of talking or shouting. Laryngitis usually settles on its own, however, try some of these home remedies to get your voice back to normal.

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5 Home Remedies To Soothe Sore Throat And Cough

Gargle With Salt Water

Gargling with warm salt water is a time tested natural remedy to heal irritated and sore throat. Add half a teaspoon of salt into a glass of warm water and stir until salt dissolves. Drink a mouthful of warm saltwater and gargle it all over the throat and spit it out. The antibacterial property of saltwater kills the harmful bacteria, soothe an irritated throat and lower the pain.

Herbal Teas

Several studies have disclosed that herbal teas like chamomile with the goodness of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties bolsters the immune system and also helps to heal the inflamed vocal cords.

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The natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of honey help to lessens the mucus secretions and heal a sore throat. Drinking a cup of warm water with a teaspoon of honey may combat inflammation, reduces pain and also settles a cough.


Ginger is a highly valued herb used since times immemorial to heal inflamed mucus membrane of the larynx and other respiratory woes. Evidences have also revealed that antibacterial properties of ginger can lessen inflammation. Sipping ginger tea or adding a few shredded pieces of ginger to hot water helps to alleviate sore throat and pain.


Lozenges work amazingly well to moist the dry, irritated throat, eases pain and settles persistent cough. There a whole lot of natural lozenges available in different flavours from peppermint, eucalyptus, honey orange and other herbal ones which may assist to suppress cough and soothe an irritated throat.

Stay Well Hydrated

Adequate hydration is very important, this assists to keep the throat moist and allow the mucus to clear away. Drinking plenty of warm fluids like herbal teas, soups and warm water helps to maintain the hydration and also prevent the throat from drying out to and avert the risk of contagious infections.

Self-care Methods

When the voice is healing it is essential to follow certain precautionary measures that may help to relieve the symptoms and lessen strain, which include:

Rest Voice:

Avoid talking or singing too loudly or for too long. As unwanted stress to the vocal cords will lead to increased inflammation, and it may take a longer time to heal.

Avoid Whispering:

It may sound strange but whispering put more stress on the vocal cords than speaking normally.


Steer clear of alcohol, as it has a dehydrating effect on the body that worsens the problem.


Avoid using over-the-counter medications that contain decongestants, as they can dry out the throat and may increase irritation of the vocal cord.


Quit smoking, any kind of smoking including e-cigarette can irritate the throat that results in coughing and delay healing.

Breathe Moist Air:

Use a humidifier to maintain the air throughout a home or office moist. Also, inhale steam from a bowl of hot water or a hot shower.

Stay Hydrated:

Drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration.

Moisten Your Throat:

Try slurping on lozenges or gargling with salt water to maintain the throat moist.