Thyroid, the butterfly shaped gland in the front of the neck plays a major part in regulating the speed of metabolism in our bodies.Thyroid Disorders

Thyroid disorders interfere with the production of thyroid hormones by slowing down or by accelerating the metabolic activity.

Though sound simple, thyroid disorders can play a havoc with entire health if not treated properly. If you are suffering from persistent chills, weight gain, hair loss, fatigued, sweaty and anxious, blame it on the functioning of thyroid. A simple blood test will reveal the functioning of your thyroid gland. Thanks to medical advancements several medications are available in effectively treating both hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism and other autoimmune conditions related to thyroid gland.

However, there are several myths associated with the disorders of thyroid gland that would delay the treatment. Read on to know the facts and learn why timely medical intervention will save you from major health issues.


Only Women Develop Thyroid Problems.


Men also face thyroid problems while women are more prone to it. Women become vulnerable to thyroid dysfunction during puberty, pregnancy and post-partum.

Both men and women become vulnerable to thyroid related disorders as they age. Studies reveal that 1 in every 5 women above 60 years of age face problems with their thyroid gland.


The Symptoms Of Thyroid Are Visible/Tangible


Not true. The symptoms of thyroid in many cases are so vague, making it tough for a diagnosis. Doctors term thyroid disorders as complex, multi-faceted symptomatic condition that can make the patient feel miserable, face depression and anxiety.

Talk to an expert to find out if you are suffering from hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) or hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid).


Bulging Eyes Are an Indication Of Hyperthyroidism or Graves Ophthalmopathy


Bulging eyes are one of the prominent symptoms of hyperthyroidism but not essential Graves ophthalmopathy as dryness, blurred vision can also bulginess.  A very small percentage of autoimmune hypothyroid patients develop thyroid eye disease.


Thyroid Disorders Lead To Goiter or Thyroid Enlargement


Goiter means an enlarged thyroid gland and is most commonly found in patients with hyperthyroidism. Deficiency of iodine, solitary thyroid nodules, Hashimoto’s an autoimmune disorder, pregnancy, inflammation can also cause issues related to goiter.


Lumps Or Nodules Indicate Thyroid Cancer


The most common sign of thyroid cancer is the formation of a lump or a nodule in the thyroid gland. However, only 5 per cent of those nodules are cancerous and others are benign. A biopsy, or a needle biopsy is the most recommended way to diagnose if those lumps, nodules are malignant.