Hypothyroidism affects 1 in 10 adults, as per the survey conducted by Indian thyroid society; the disease is more prevalent among women than men. According to studies, the prevalence of hypothyroidism, (the condition where the thyroid gland becomes underactive) in India is 11%, compared to UK which is only 2% and 4·6% in the USA.

best foods to eat for your thyroid

Although incurable, hypothyroidism or thyroid is found to be manageable with the right diet and lifestyle changes.

The best foods to eat for your thyroid: 

Choosing the right cereals


Choose the right cereals like whole grain cereals over refined varieties. Complex carbs are loaded with fibre and provide a vital nutrient selenium for the thyroid hormones to function efficiently. Cereals like quinoa, finger millet, red and brown rice can be easily added to the daily regimen. 

Say yes to proteins


Best choice of proteins are low-fat lean cuts of meat, skimmed milk, paneer, yoghurt, and low-fat cheese. Dried beans and legumes add zinc, an important mineral for better functioning of the thyroid gland. 

Add colour to your plate


Adding a spectrum of fruits and vegetables in your diet that are low in calories will help boost your energy levels. An array of red, green, orange and yellow fruits and vegetables boost vital vitamins like A & E for the proper working of the thyroid gland. 

Healthy snacks


Nuts are wonder foods filled with nutrients. Almonds and walnuts are piled up with heart healthy monounsaturated fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids. Sunflower seeds are a good source of vitamin E and is a natural antioxidant. Sesame and chia seeds are a great source of selenium and zinc that is necessary for the functioning of thyroid gland. 

The right kind of oils


A blend of vegetable oils makes up the correct proportion of polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and saturated oils is the perfect choice to make. Saturated fats from butter, ghee, whole milk, and fatty non- vegetarian sources need to be limited 

 Salty Deal


Iodine is the most vital component required to produce thyroid hormones, best taken through common salt. Milk, yoghurt, vegetables like sweet potato, spinach and onion and fruits like banana and fish like sardine and tuna, all provide best qualities of iodine.

The cruciferous family


Vegetables of the cruciferous family release goitrin that may interfere with the production of thyroid hormones. Cooking your broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage may help negate this effect, keep to about 2-3 serving per week and avoid eating them raw.