When you are in your twenties, dermal health (besides pimples of course) is not extremely difficult to deal with. Most likely, you have ways to keep your skin smooth, plump, and flawless with a simple CTM routine. But the skin can start showing different colors by your late twenties and late thirties is almost a downer with collagen levels depleting drastically. When a woman decides to take wedding vows post thirty-five, a little extra effort towards skin care might be not just the need of the hour, but inevitable too! The article sheds light on how to glow on D-day and stay youthful even after.

Also Read: Skin Care At Every Age: Are You Following This 5-Step Routine For That Glowing Look? Infographic

Why Does Skin Begin To Age?

While aging is a biological process, in today’s time many factors lead to it. Lack of skincare routine, hormonal changes, stress, less sleep, and decreased collagen production lead to less firm skin. Lifestyle factors like smoking, drinking, and overexposure to sun rays can lead to noticeable pigmentation and can trigger severe adult acne with deep cysts on both face and body.

Here are five things that begin to show up on the skin when you reach your thirties:

  • Fine lines and crow’s feet also called known as lateral canthallines near the eyes
  • Wrinkles in expressive areas like the forehead and between the eyebrows
  • Reduced estrogen levels cause a duller complexion
  • Loss of collagen leading to skin sagging
  • Pigmentation due to sun exposure

Also Read: Nighttime Skincare Routine: 5 Simple Beauty Habits To Wake Upto Ravishing Glow – Infographic

Skincare Recommendations For The Bride To Be

For all the ladies who are in their mid to late thirties and have their D-Day just around the corner, here is what you need to know to augment your regular skin care regimen and take it to a higher level. After all, D-Day is a rare occasion!

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Upgrade Your Skincare Routine

There are a few things that must be added to the normal CTM. Now that you have decided to become a bride and want to look younger, add retinol-based products a few months before you get married. Retinol is crucial for treating lines, wrinkles, and dullness. Alternatively, you can use a moisturizer with at least 1.5% retinol daily to increase cell turnover, smooth lines, and tighten skin.

Work On Overall Dermal Health

Improve overall complexion with an exfoliating cleanser containing lactic or glycolic acid to remove dead skin cells, and a Vitamin C serum rich in antioxidants to reduce pigmentation.

Opt For Professional Treatments

Consider a peel to rejuvenate skin and enhance cell turnover, addressing issues from acne scars to pigmentation and wrinkles. Baby Botox injections can also be recommended to smooth static lines preventatively.

Go For Spot Correction

Use products with antibacterial salicylic acid specifically to combat spots effectively. Moreover, several professional treatments and products are also available to reduce dark spots and age-related skin problems that may otherwise refuse to go with mild or herb-based products.

Lead A Healthy Lifestyle

Maintain a diet rich in antioxidants to combat free radical damage, Stay hydrated every single day, and ensure adequate sleep for at least three months before the wedding day for optimal skin health.

Note: For any chemical treatment or even otherwise, always consult a dermatologist to avoid any problems right before your D-Day.

(This article is reviewed by Soumita Basu Ayurveda Pharma Expert )

Author Profile

Preeti Sharma:

Preeti Sharma has a Master's in Electronic Media and Mass Communication and certification in short-term writing from Florida. With close to a decade of experience, she specializes in crafting engaging blogs on beauty, veterinary care, and healthy cooking. Preeti is proficient in video editing tools and produces captivating and informative content across multiple platforms.


  1. Skin anti-aging strategies

Centre of Dermatovenereology, Vilnius University Hospital Santariskiu Klinikos, Vilnius, Lithuania

