The days of soothing winter sun has bid adieu and here we are sitting on the brink of approaching summer. By and large, all skin is prone to tanning, dark spots, and sun damage, no matter which part of the globe you are in. And so, we keep researching to fight these woes, based on our skin type, tone, and skin concerns. With several skin care products available in the market, we must know what may suit us and what may not. The article delves into some skincare ideas and products that you can consider adding to your regimen and allow your skin to feel happy and healthy.

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Essentially, we all love a healthy skin appearance and a lit-from-within kind of glow. But not every ingredient is meant to be smeared on the face right away. Amongst many products promising you a youthful appearance for longer than you expect, be wise to choose and wiser to use. Here are some essential ideas you may want to consider if you want to always keep your dermal health in the best form and all seasons.

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Night Skincare Routine Is Non-Negotiable

While most of us are disciplined with our morning skincare rituals, we ignore the night skincare routine. As crucial as the morning skin ritual, the night CTM may benefit the dermal health a little more because in the night the skin is repairing and healing itself, hence the products applied on the face and body will work without any external factors interfering with them.

Minimise The Side-Effects Of Technology

Technology is playing a major role in affecting our health and skin in a big way. While we cannot let go of it, we can make small changes in our habits. One of them is wearing glasses for blue light in front of screens. This is more important for people who work on computers for long hours. Alternatively, use topical products that help in actively combating these environmental stressors.

Sleep Makes Skin Shine

No matter how many layers of products you apply topically or the amount of skin-benefiting supplements you pop, unless you sleep for at least 6 to 8 hours, the skin will not be able to rejuvenate itself and there will be dark circles, skin breakouts, and dullness that may cause signs of early ageing and fine lines.

Go For Skin Friendly Foods

In case you are wondering what foods are great for that glass glow of skin, the rule is to consume all fruits and vegetables that have high water content. Apples, cucumbers, kiwi, watermelon, lemons, zucchini, and grapes are all considered skin-loving your skin feels hydrated when you eat them in summer. Moreover, they have environmental damage protection properties too. So, eat these water-loaded fruits and veggies to your heart’s content.

Also Read: Skin Care: 7 Uber Cool Components That Can Make You Glow Instantly With A Marvellous Makeover

How To Choose The Right Skin Care Ingredients?

Depending upon the skin, the kind of work you do, and the weather conditions of the area you live in, your checklist of skin care essentials may keep changing from time to time. Thus, following a skincare routine may be a tad bit of trial and error. To keep it safe, it is always better to consult with your dermatologist. However, the below-mentioned ingredient combinations may help to combat your regular skin issues.

  • For acne-prone skin, go for mild cleansers. A salicylic acid cleanser may work well
  • For dull skin retinol and alpha hydroxy acids have been known to work extremely well
  • For hyperpigmentation of the skin, kojic acid and hydroquinone-based skin products are mostly recommended
  • For early signs of aging and wrinkle, hyaluronic acid, and retinol-based skin products are a great alternative
  • For dark circles and puffy eyes, Vitamin-based creams may do wonders


  1. Perceptions and Behavior Regarding Skin Health and Skin Care Products:

Department of Dermatology, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea.
