Low back pain commonly tops the list of musculoskeletal complaints irrespective of age and gender and is often caused due to a sedentary lifestyle, addiction to smartphones, gadgets and poor working practices, like sitting for a long time.
low back pain

While stress in the neck and shoulders is due to the overuse of all day long staring into a screen, low back pain stems from the exact opposite – a lack of regular physical activity.

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Agreed, numerous other factors give rise to the low back pain of varying intensities, from mild to moderate to quite severe. These include muscle strain due to carrying heavy weights, or ligament injury while playing a sport. The pain could also develop due to underlying disorders such as arthritis, osteoporosis, skeletal muscle abnormalities, and herniated discs.

In instances of extreme low back pain, it is advised to consult with a doctor and seek help from a physical therapist and orthopaedic specialist, to diagnose the root cause and rectify the condition.

However, minor instances of low back pain that cause nagging aches and sometimes sharp sensations of agony and discomfort can be alleviated by doing some simple exercises right in the comfort of your home.

Guaranteed, these basic movements will provide instant relief from pain, supply more vigour and energy to the abdominal core, besides ease the tension in the back, hip and thigh muscles. Also Read: 5 Fantastic Cooling Down Exercises To Soothe Your Muscles After A High-Intensity Workout

Easy Workouts To Mitigate Low Back Pain:

Tabletop Leg Press

How To Do:

Lie faceup with your legs raised in a tabletop position i.e. knees bent 90 degrees and stacked over your hips. Contract your abs to press your low back into the ground. Crunch up just a few inches and place your hands on the front of your knees.

Push your knees against your hands while simultaneously pressing them away. There should be no visible movement in your body, but you should feel the battle and intense tension in your core. Hold this position.


This is a wonderful movement for making the core muscles more robust and vastly improves the stability and strength of the body.

Glute Bridge

How To Do:

Lie on your back with your hands at your sides, knees bent, and feet flat on floor hip-width apart. Squeeze your glutes and abs and push through your heels to lift your hips a few inches off the floor until your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.

Hold this position for a second, making sure your knees stay straight and don't collapse in. Slowly lower your hips to return to the starting position.


This workout stretches the gluteal muscles that comprise the lower hips in the buttock region, thereby enhancing their power capacity.
low back pain exercises

Flat Back Scissors

How To Do:

Lie faceup with your arms extended toward the ceiling and your legs in a tabletop position. Slowly extend your right leg out straight, while simultaneously dropping your left arm overhead. Keep both a few inches from the ground.

Squeeze your butt and keep your core engaged the entire time, lower back pressed into the floor. Bring your arm and leg back to the starting position. Repeat on the other side, extending your left leg and your right arm.


This active motion extends the abdominal muscles as well as the hip flexors, increasing their ability to stretch and contract.

Forearm Plank

How To Do:

Rest your forearms on the floor, with your elbows directly underneath your shoulders and hands facing forward so that your arms are parallel. Extend your legs out behind you and rest your toes on the floor. Your body should form one straight line from your shoulders to your heels.

Squeeze your entire core, your glutes, and your quads, and tuck your butt under a little to keep your lower back straight. Position your head so that your neck is in a neutral position and your gaze is on your hands. Hold this position.


This is a great workout for the pelvic muscles which also stretches the thighs and tones the legs. Also Read: The Ultimate Lockdown Workouts: Superb Exercises To Tone Down Your Legs & Thighs

Reverse Lunge

How To Do:

Start standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Put your hands on your hips. Step back with your left foot, landing on the ball of your left foot and keeping your heel off the ground. Bend both knees to create two 90-degree angles with your legs.

In this positioning, your shoulders should be directly above your hips and your chest should be upright. Your butt and core should be engaged. Push through the heel of your right foot to return to standing.


This exercise eases the tension in the low back, hip and gluteal muscles, while not applying too much pressure on the knee.

Pelvic Tilts

How To Do:

Lie flat on your back, with arms by the side of your hips and legs completely stretched out. Slowly bend the knees, keeping heels flat on the ground. Gradually raise the stomach, lower back off the floor. Stay in that position for about 10 seconds. Then gently pull the stomach back to the floor, coming to a resting pose. Perform this exercise twice or thrice a week, for 10 iterations.


This pelvic tilt workout is a simple yet excellent movement to release the tightness, pressure in the low back muscles, reduce pain and strain in the hips and vastly improves range of motion of the upper body, as well as strengthens the core abdominal muscles.

Partial Curls

How To Do:

Place the hands joined at the back of the head in a lying down position, Bend the knees, inhale deeply and consciously expand the stomach muscles outwards. Then, while breathing out, contract the abdomen, gently elevate the head off the floor, keep this position intact for 5 seconds, then slowly release the abdomen muscles and come back to a resting position. Do this exercise for 10 repetitions on alternate days, to alleviate lingering pain in the lower back muscles.


This partial curl exercise offers tremendous benefits for relieving low back pain, by increasing tensile strength, power in core abdominal muscles, as well as maintaining proper alignment of hip muscles and providing a reinforced upper body core.