It is quite common for the muscles in the human body to weaken and the bones to become brittle with the age. Even as these changes happen, both men and women, face issues related to bladder, bowel movement, urinary incontinence at a certain age, owing to various factors. Doctors say that it is often a sign of weaker pelvis – the lower trunk of the body located between stomach and thighs.

The pelvis forms the lower part of the trunk of the body (torso), which is situated between the abdomen and the thighs. The pelvic floor muscles provide a framework of support for the pelvic organs present at the bottom of the pelvis. In men, the pelvic organs are the bladder and bowel, while in women, the bladder, bowel and uterus comprise the pelvis.

These pelvic floor muscles usually weaken with age, particularly in men and women above 40 years. Also, post-childbirth in women and after undergoing prostate surgery in men, this group of muscles gradually become frail and feeble. This, in turn, results in bladder and bowel problems like urinary and fecal incontinence and sometimes, even in painful intercourse.

Also Read: Urinary Incontinence: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

pelvic floor exercises

One of the best solutions is regularly performing pelvic floor exercises. These workout moves offer some amazing advantages for human health, such as easing the birthing process and various post-pregnancy issues, augmenting sexual wellness and alleviating sexual dysfunction symptoms, promoting quick recovery from post prostate surgery and restoring proper bowel and bladder control. 

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Here are some simple and effective pelvic floor exercises, that will certainly improve and regulate the body’s toxin eliminating processes, besides enriching sexual performance and strengthening the lower back.

Five Proven Pelvic Floor Exercises For Complete Wellness

1. Kegels:

While standing with your feet a little apart, bend your back and knees low enough to a sitting position and stretch out your arms in front. Contract the pelvic floor muscles for 5 seconds and then release them for another 5. Repeat this sequence 10 times, at least thrice a day.

2. Squats:

Standing erect with feet spread out, stoop down to a seated stance, then rise back up again. Do it for 15-20 times, once a day. This exercise flexes the glute, hamstring and quadricep muscle groups.

Also Read: Squat Like MSD For Strength, Flexibility

bridge exercise

3. Bridges:

Lie on the floor, palms on the side facing down and knees bent up, with feet fixed on the ground. Push firmly with your heels, raise your hips and tighten your glutes, hamstrings and pelvic floor, forming a bridge-like pose. Do this movement 15-20 times, taking a break between each lift.

4. Split Tabletop:

Place your body flat on the surface on your back, with legs raised such that thighs are perpendicular and lower legs parallel to the floor. Gradually, split your legs apart, to resemble a tabletop and then bring them back together. Execute this series 15 times, to stretch abs and hips, as this helps develop lean muscle mass.

5. Bird Dog:

Balance your body on all fours with your arms and knees, like a dog. Slowly stretch your right arm forward and left leg backward, representing a bird and vice versa with the left arm and right leg. Repeat this routine 10 times, for at least 3 10-set runs. This motion expands the lower back, ab, glutes and hip muscles.

Fantastic Benefits Of Pelvic Floor Exercises:

Since the pelvic floor muscles support and ensure the structural stability of the pelvic organs – the bladder and bowel and are vital in controlling the motion and elimination of urine, stool, performing pelvic floor exercises on a regular basis confers amazing incentives for fitness and wellness, such as:

  • Aid in resolving urinary incontinence in both men and women
  • Significantly improve bowel movement for routine discharge of stool, solid wastes from the body, in men and women
  • Alleviate pain and swelling in men suffering from prostatitis
  • Boost sexual functions in men by controlling ejaculation and heightening pleasurable sensations through orgasms
  • Help in improving pelvic function post prostate surgery in men
  • Uplift sexual stamina and reproductive health in women
  • Assist in recovery after childbirth or other gynaecological surgeries in women

Heel Slides

Lie on the floor with your knees bent and pelvis neutral. Inhale into the rib cage, exhale through the mouth, compressing your ribs comfortably. Lock in the core of your body, sliding your right heel away from you. Find the bottom position and inhale and bring your leg back to starting position. Finish 8-10 slides on each side before alternating to the other leg. Heel slides encourage pelvic contractions by activating deep abdominal muscles.

Happy Baby Pose

Lie on your back, grab both knees into your chest. Bring the arms through the insides of the knees and hold on to the outside edge of each foot with each hand. Press your chin into the chest. Press your tailbone into the floor as you press the heels up and pull back with arms. Pressing back of the neck down into the floor, try to get the back and whole spine flat to the floor.


Begin by lying on the floor with your knees bent and back touching ground. Arms should be parallel to the body touching ground. Slowly lift one leg up to a tabletop position. Slowly lower this leg to the starting position. Repeat the movement by alternating legs.


Pelvic floor exercises, if performed on a daily basis, can work wonders in rectifying urinary and fecal incontinence issues, apart from complementing sexual activity and promoting quick healing post-childbirth in women and prostate surgery in men. These basic movements don’t require any additional fitness equipment while sustaining proper bowel movement and better bladder function.