Sudarshan Kriya, a transformative breathing technique rooted in ancient Indian wisdom, has become a beacon of hope for those seeking inner peace, emotional well-being, and improved overall health. This rhythmic and controlled breathing practice has gained global recognition for its numerous health benefits and its ability to promote emotional well-being. In this article, let us delve into the details of Sudarshan Kriya, how to perform it, and the health benefits it offers.

Also Read: Pranayama: Health Benefits, Types and Techniques To Breathe Easy

 What Is Sudarshan Kriya?

Sudarshan Kriya, often referred to as "SKY," is a structured breathing technique that combines specific rhythms of breath with deep meditation. The term "Sudarshan" translates to "beautiful vision" or "right perception," and "Kriya" means "action." In essence, Sudarshan Kriya is an action that helps individuals gain clarity, peace, and a better understanding of themselves and the world around them.  With a focus on the breath as the gateway to holistic wellness, Sudarshan Kriya offers a profound journey of self-discovery and transformation.
Sudarshan Kriya

Also Read: 5 Incredible Ways Deep Breathing Helps Your Body And Mind

 The Key Components Of Sudarshan Kriya And How To Do It:

Sudarshan Kriya is typically taught in a structured program by certified instructors. The key components of Sudarshan Kriya are as follows:

 Ujjayi Breathing:

Sit in a comfortable and relaxed position, with your spine straight. Close your eyes, clear your mind and take a few deep breaths. Begin Ujjayi breathing, where you inhale and exhale deeply through your nostrils, creating a soft hissing sound in your throat. Focus on the rhythmic sound and sensation of your breath.


This technique helps calm the mind and prepares it for the subsequent phases of the kriya.

 Bhastrika (Bellows Breath):

Continue Ujjayi breathing for a few minutes. Transition to Bhastrika, which involves rapid, forceful inhalations and exhalations through the nose, keeping your mouth closed. Maintain a steady rhythm of about 20-30 breaths per minute for a few minutes. Return to Ujjayi breathing for a brief period to restore calmness.


Bhastrika helps to energize the body, clear the respiratory system, and release accumulated tension.


The final phase involves chanting "Om" or another chosen mantra three times, focusing on the vibrations and resonance of the sound. Conclude with a few moments of deep, mindful breathing. This sequence is typically repeated a few times under the guidance of a trained instructor.


This phase is a powerful way to harmonize body and mind.

 Sudarshan Kriya:

The core of the practice involves a specific rhythmic and cyclical breathing pattern. It consists of three distinct phases: slow, medium, and fast-paced breaths, with each phase followed by a breath retention period.


This unique sequence is repeated multiple times, promoting deep relaxation and emotional balance.


Sudarshan Kriya concludes with a period of meditation, allowing practitioners to experience a heightened state of awareness and inner peace.

 Health Benefits Of Sudarshan Kriya

Sudarshan Kriya has been extensively studied, and numerous health benefits have been attributed to regular practice. Here are some of the significant advantages:

 Remedies Stress:

Sudarshan Kriya is known for its stress-reducing effects. It helps regulate the production of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, promoting relaxation and a sense of calm.
yoga practice

 Improves Mental Health:

Regular practice of this breathing technique can remedy the symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders naturally over time. It enhances emotional stability and promotes a positive outlook on life.

 Enhances Respiratory Functions:

Sudarshan Kriya encourages deep and conscious breathing, which can improve lung function, increase oxygen levels in the body, and aid in the management of respiratory conditions.

 Increases Focus and Concentration:

The practice sharpens mental clarity and cognitive function, making it easier to concentrate and make decisions.

 Uplifts Immune System:

It boosts the body's immunity by reducing stress and promoting overall well-being, helping the body fight off illnesses more effectively.

 Promotes Sleep:

Regular practice can lead to better sleep patterns and alleviate insomnia.

 Emotional Healing:

Sudarshan Kriya provides a safe space for individuals to confront and heal emotional wounds, past traumas, and negative thought patterns.

 Improves Relationships:

The practice encourages positive interpersonal relationships by reducing anger, aggression, and other negative emotions.

 Holistic Well-Being:

Sudarshan Kriya promotes overall physical and mental health, which can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life.


Sudarshan Kriya is a profound breathing technique with a wide range of health benefits. By integrating rhythmic breath patterns with deep meditation, it has the power to transform one's physical, emotional, and mental well-being. If you are interested in exploring this practice, seek out certified instructors who can guide you through the process and ensure you experience the full spectrum of benefits that Sudarshan Kriya has to offer.


  1. Sudarshan kriya yoga: Breathing for health - By Sameer A. Zope and Rakesh A Zope1

  1. Sudarshan Kriya Yogic Breathing in the Treatment of Stress, Anxiety, and Depression: Part I—Neurophysiologic Model - By Richard P Brown, Patricia L Gerbarg


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