The cold breeze and the pleasant weather that accompanies the monsoon season provide us with much-needed relief from the sweltering heat of summer. However, the sudden dip in the climate coinciding with COVID-19 Pandemic can be hard on the asthmatic patients and it’s time they take necessary precautionary measures for the prevention of respiratory infections.

Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition that damages the airways in the lungs, triggering the secretion of extra mucus, resulting in breathing difficulty. Individuals with allergic asthma are at a greater risk of allergy symptoms due to seasonal changes and types of weather. Also Read World Asthma Day 2020: Learn About The Causes, Types, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment And Prevention
tips to manage asthma

Common Triggers During Monsoon Season Include:

With an increase in humidity, we may sense a damp odour and the furnishing may feel damp with overgrowth of the fungus and mould. This would lead to indoor air pollution, dampness is a strong trigger of asthma worsening respiratory symptoms like wheezing and coughing. Also Read: Know About The Underlying Causes For Wheezing

The rainy season may spur indoor bugs and insects.

During the rainy season, toxic gases like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide precipitate in the air. These harmful gases make it hard for asthma patients to breathe properly and eventually increase the risk of an asthma attack.

Rain brings in pollen, as the number of pollen increase in the environment it may trigger an asthma attack.

With monsoon season, viruses and bacteria slide in the atmosphere which may cause several allergies to asthma patients triggering an asthma attack.

Untreated cold and flu are widespread during the rainy season which makes it hard for asthma patients to lead a normal life. The health effects due to exposure of poor indoor air quality or pollutant include:

Irritation of the eyes, nose and throat



Tips To Manage Asthma During Monsoon Season

  • Check for dampened walls, furniture and get it fixed immediately, making your home moisture and damp free. Keep your bathrooms and kitchen as dry as possible to prevent moisture from entering into other rooms.
  • Proper ventilation and exposing the rooms to good sunlight is essential, as it averts the growth of microbes in the home. In addition, if you have any indoor plants, keep them outside during the monsoon months.
  • Mold and mites thrive in wet weather, you can manage indoor air by cleaning the air conditioner filters. Ensure that rooms like kitchen and bathroom have good ventilation to combat mildew growth.
  • Prefer using an air conditioner which helps to maintain the right atmosphere in the room.
  • Always cover the face while going out as the dust and other air pollutants can trigger asthma.
  • If you have pet animals at home, keep them out of your bedroom, as dander and urine of pets can trigger asthma symptoms.
  • Keep the damp places like toilets, bathrooms mould-free by regularly cleaning with disinfectant, bleach and detergents.
  • Wash carpets, rugs bed sheets and pillow covers regularly with warm water as they are filled with dust.
  • Never skip medications prescribed by the physicians, asthmatic patients who are advised to use inhalers should use them as and when required. Don’t randomly start and stop using inhalers. 
  • Eat a balanced and nutritious diet to build a robust immune system and keep infections at bay. Consume comfort foods like soups, tea, herbal drinks and concoctions are best to stimulate digestion and trigger the immune response. Add garlic, ginger, and pepper, turmeric in the daily diet as they exhibit potent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
  • Practise breathing exercises to improve the breathing pattern and lessen the symptoms.


Asthma can affect a person’s quality of life, knowing the triggers and risk factors can help an individual engage in preventive efforts. It can be managed well by taking regular medications, leading a healthy lifestyle and staying away from allergens. However, monsoon season can trigger an asthma attack, following precautionary measures can lessen the adverse effects of asthma. Seek immediate medical care if symptoms worsen.