The lung and the heart are two vital organs in the body that function 24/7 effectively so that we can live healthily. These major organs require a lot of lubrication, a balanced diet and proper care to ensure it works well. As per the World Health Organization, 92% of the world’s population is breathing polluted air. The harmful tiny toxic elements can diffuse deep into the respiratory and cardiovascular system damaging them and leading to more than 6 million deaths per year.
Strengthen Your Lungs And Uplift Your Respiratory Health With Our Wide Range Of Ayurvedic Formulations!
The lungs are pivotal organs of respiration, which carries oxygenated blood to every organ in the body and eliminates the waste matter out of the cells via expiration. Lungs are constantly working filtering, protecting and transforming the air free from pollutants and other environmental pollutants. Also Read: Lung Problems: 5 Incredible Yogasanas To Ease Breathing Difficulties
People with a compromised respiratory system get triggered upon inhaling harmful toxins and pollutants and show immediate symptoms like coughing, wheezing, and watery eyes. With the spreading of coronavirus, it is more important for all us to safeguard the lungs and boost the respiratory system, and shield it from harmful pollutants as well as a deadly virus. Thanks to Mother Nature for offering you a rich array of herbs that are effective in battling harmful pollutants and promoting the health of the lungs.
These herbal compounds are valuable to:
- Alleviate chest and nasal congestion
- Soothe irritated throat and air passages
- Ease the symptoms such as coughing, sneezing and swollen lymph
- Work as a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant
Foray into this article to know about 5 amazing herbs that work well to boost respiratory health:
Astragalus is an incredible herb used in Chinese traditional medicine for more than a hundred years for strengthening and lubricating the lungs and bolstering the immune system. The immune-boosting properties of astragalus are effective in treating a common cold, cough, flu, respiratory infections, seasonal allergies and asthma.
Pippali is a time-tested natural remedy that works amazingly well in treating common respiratory woes. It functions as a counter-irritant and lessens inflammation, and clears the mucus and nasal congestion. Boil a few pippali in half a glass of milk and drink this concoction to cure a common cold, cough, bronchitis, and asthma. Also Read: Pippali: Incredible Wellness Incentives Of The Indian Long Pepper
Licorice root can work as an imperative herbal demulcent that shields the respiratory system and soothes the irritated throat. Licorice is an effective herbal supplement that secretes healthy mucus releases phlegm and clears the nasal passage. Chew a twig of licorice or drink a mixture of licorice to get instant relief from a sore throat, cough, and other respiratory problems.
Kalmegh root and leaf is a proven Ayurvedic remedy used widely for treating several respiratory ailments. The potent anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, antioxidant, and immune-stimulatory properties of kalmegh is beneficial in treating infection, fever, common cold, cough, flu, and other respiratory problems.
Vasaka leaf, also known as Adhatoda vasica or Malabar nut is a popular Ayurvedic respiratory healer. It works as a strong stimulator of the bronchial system thereby eliminating excess phlegm from the throat, clearing the lungs, and improving bronchodilation, and treats bronchitis, tuberculosis, and other lung disorders. Make a concoction of Vasaka leaves and drink it to get relief from cough and other symptoms of
Turmeric Shot
Consuming turmeric drinks on a daily basis aids in lessening the inflammation in the air passage. The goodness of active compound curcumin in turmeric supports in cleansing of the lungs naturally and flushes toxins out of the system, thus strengthening the immune response. Have this drink with milk or water to keep infections at bay.
Peppermint Tea
Mint is a time-tested natural cure to treat respiratory problems. The wealth of medicinal compounds in peppermint tea can cure sore throat by clearing the mucus and lessen inflammation caused due to lung infections.
Ginger Tea
Ginger tea is greatly prized for its potent anti-inflammatory properties that cures common cough and cold, which aids in clearing toxins from the respiratory tract. Laden with potassium, magnesium, and zinc consuming ginger tea can build a robust immune system and combat seasonal flu and infections.
Cardamom Shot
Have this aromatic, stimulating, and refreshing drink to improve lung health and kindle digestive fire.
Ayurvedic Herbal Drinks
Eating the right kind of foods plays a crucial role in healing and strengthening lung functions. According to the holistic science of Ayurveda, adding certain foods to the diet will support normal respiratory functions in the body. Have these herbal drinks to uplift your lung health.
Additional Herbal Remedies For Promoting Respiratory Health
Eucalyptus is well-known and has been used since antiquity for its decongestant properties. The leaves of the tree contain eucalyptol, which can help loosen phlegm and ease breathing. That is why it is often used in inhalants and cough drops.
Thyme is another powerful herb with potent expectorant and antibacterial properties. The flavorful leaves of this herb can help relax the respiratory muscles, loosen mucus, and alleviate cough.
Oregano, a common herb is culinary delights has compounds such as carvacrol and rosmarinic acid. These components contain antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory benefits which can help clear congestion, and reduce inflammation in the airways. This makes the herb beneficial for overall respiratory function.
The healing properties of herbs are believed to treat common respiratory problems, protect the lungs from harmful toxins and pollutants, improve overall health, and bolster immunity. However, if symptoms worsen, always seek immediate medical care.
(This article is reviewed by Soumita Basu Ayurveda Pharma Expert)
Author Profile:
M Sowmya Binu:
With over 15 years of expertise and a Postgraduate degree in Nutrition, M Sowmya Binu is a seasoned professional in the field of nutrition. Specializing in tailoring personalized diet plans, she underscores the significance of a balanced approach to health, emphasizing the integration of medication with dietary intake for holistic wellness. Passionate about equipping individuals with the knowledge to make informed decisions, Sowmya adeptly develops insightful content encompassing an array of topics including food, nutrition, supplements, and overall health.
Herbal Medicine Uses for Respiratory System Disorders and Possible Trends in New Herbal Medicinal Recipes during COVID-19 in Pasvalys District, Lithuania
Zivile Pranskuniene,1,2,* Ruta Balciunaite,2 Zenona Simaitiene,3 and Jurga Bernatoniene1,2