Today is World Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Day (COPD), the term that is used to collectively describe progressive lung diseases like emphysema, chronic bronchitis and non-reversible (refractory) asthmaWorld COPD Day

COPD is a progressive condition unfortunately incurable, but the symptoms can be managed by making few little changes to the lifestyle. Right diagnosis, medication and lifestyle changes help many COPD patients to manage their symptoms and breathe easy.

Signs and symptoms of COPD include severe shortness of breath, continuous coughing, wheezing and tightness in chest.

Here are few ways to manage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Don’t Smoke:

Saying no to smoking is the first step to ease the symptoms of COPD. Talk to your doctor on how you get rid of smoking addiction. Try nicotine strips, medications, join a support group or meet a counsellor. The results are almost instant, and one can see the positive change in lung health.

Eat and Exercise:

A good fitness level helps in getting rid of several COPD symptoms. Eat in limited proportions and exercise regularly to maintain body weight. Include lot of fresh raw or boiled vegetables in the diet, keep hydrated. Talk to your doctor or gym trainer about workouts to improve lung power.

Use Oxygen:

Few patients, especially elderly people would require oxygen therapy to help the body function to its optimum level. Oxygen therapy is very helpful in being active and eases breathing. However, ensure to use clean tubes and apparatus while using oxygen therapy.

Breathing Techniques:

Breathing techniques goes a long way in increasing lung power. Practice few breathing exercises like diaphragmatic breathing, pursed lip breathing and few meditation techniques to control breathing pattern for a better lung functioning.

Get Vaccinated:

COPD patients are at the higher risk of infections and it is important to get vaccinated regularly. Patients with lung issues are recommended to take influenza vaccine every year, besides pneumonia vaccines for every seven years. Keep hands, clothes clean to avoid spreading of contagious germs and infections.