World Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD) day is observed on the third Wednesday of November every year with an aim to raise awareness about the condition and promote COPD care all over the globe. The initiative is endorsed by the Global Imitative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) in association with healthcare teams to lessen the burden of COPD, on the patients fighting other pulmonary ailments. The theme for World Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder for the year 2019 is All together to End COPD.

World COPD Day 2019

COPD is a progressive lung disorder which makes it hard to empty air out of the lungs, as the airways become narrowed, leading to breathing problems. And this condition is not completely reversible. In a few cases the alveoli get damaged which eventually leads to a disorder called emphysema. The underlying risk factors for COPD include tobacco, air pollutants, exposure to chemical and occupational hazards. Also Read: Awareness On COPD Is Important For Lung Health. 

Statistics reveal that about 210 million are affected with COPD and it will become the third leading cause of mortality globally by 2030. In India reports reveal that COPD affects about 29% of the population and northern part of India reports the highest prevalence due to the huge impact of air pollution and use of biomass as fuel for cooking and high rate of smoking.

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Who Are At Risk?

Tobacco smoking both active and passive

Asthmatic patients

Over exposure to air pollutants

Excessive usage of biofuel for cooking

Occupational hazards, dust, and chemical fumes may irritate the lungs

Family history and people who have disorder runs in their families

The symptoms of COPD include dyspnea, wheezing, persistent cough with mucus, unexplained weight loss, and chest discomfort.

Ways To Reduce The Risk Of COPD

Follow these effective steps to avert the risk of COPD and protect your lungs.

Quitting smoking is the most essential thing an individual should do to lead a healthier life. Both active, as well as passive smoking, is the leading cause of COPD.

Stay away from outdoor and indoor pollution such as air, chemical fumes and dust.

Limit moving in congested places like market, chemical factories and heavy traffic.

Always wear a protective mask and other equipment to minimize the risk of occupational hazards

Eat a well-balanced and nutritious diet to bolster immunity and improve lung health.

COPD has no complete cure; however, you can still take measures to manage the symptoms and slow down the progression of the condition.

Avoid Lung Irritants:

Stay away from all means of lung irritants including smoking, biomass fuel, chemicals, dust and other air pollutants.

Adhere To Treatment Schedule:

It is vital that you strictly follow your treatment care as advised by your physician, never skip medications and talk to your doctor about the need for flu or influenza or pneumonia vaccines.

Manage The Symptoms:

Perform your daily routines at a slower pace, seek help from friends and family to assist you in daily activities if your condition worsens.

Medical Help:

Get immediate medical assistance if you experience severe symptoms like difficult to breathe or talk.

Stay Indoors:

Monsoon and winter can worsen the symptoms further, owing to the presence of various viruses and bacterial infections. Keep your surroundings clean, try spending time indoors and avoid going out frequently.