Since time immemorial, gold has held a unique position, not just as a precious metal used to make intricate pieces of jewelry for the ancient royal kingdoms in India, China and many other nations, but also as a key ingredient in beauty emulsions.

In its purest and most natural state, gold occurs in two specific forms. It is found as mineral deposits in rocks and soil, called gold vein, and as powdered and granulated particles in the riverbeds, termed as gold dust. Once mined, gold metal is very malleable, can be reduced to a small size and hence, easily be incorporated into skincare creams and lotions.

Metallic gold particles are highly stable, inert, non-cytotoxic and biocompatible and hence do not cause any irritation or redness to skin. Moreover, gold has the potential to fight bacteria off the surface of skin. Therefore, it is safe for application on human skin and also ideal for use in cosmetic products.

In present times, it comes as no surprise then that gold is indeed all that glitters and is widely utilised in skincare regimens and beautifying products, to attain flawless and radiant skin.

Slows Down Ageing

Gold particles easily permeate into deeper layers of skin, working to retexture, repair and rejuvenate skin cells from within. This property is very valuable in promoting the synthesis of a new layer of skin cells on face. Using a gold face pack every fortnight can help to gain youthful looking skin, sans wrinkles and fine lines.

Boosts Collagen Production

The ions present in gold can stimulate the flow of blood, via the nerves and veins in the facial region, thereby augmenting natural metabolism of skin cells and also removing waste secretions from the face. Moreover, opting for a gold facial once a month increases collagen production in the body, which keeps skin texture firm and prevents premature sagging.

Prevents Sun Damage

Gold has inherent skin-enriching potential, as it blocks the harmful UV-A and UV-B radiations in sunlight, from causing severe damage to the face. This prized gem also lowers melanin production, usually triggered by heat exposure. Using gold-infused face masks once a week before venturing out into the sun can help prevent dark spots on skin.

Heals Acne

Gold has intrinsic antioxidant and antibacterial properties, which make it a preferred choice while opting for anti-acne skincare products. It can boost the natural defense system of the skin, and effectively combat the microbes which cause pimples, allergies and rashes on skin. Using a face wash or pH-regulated cleanser with gold particles can assist in keeping acne at bay.

Lightens Skin Tone

Skincare products containing gold can aid in lightening tans. The ions and trace minerals present in gold act towards eliminating dust, dirt and grime on the face and other exposed regions of skin. Regular use of bleaching creams containing gold particles remarkably illuminates the darkened regions of skin such as chin, neck and underarms.

Balances Skin Moisture

The tiny gold particles seep into the layers of skin boosting its natural defense system and retaining skin's natural moisture. Skin starts to look radiant and luminous after using a gold imbued product.

Fights Skin Allergies

Due to its anti-bacterial properties, gold is widely used to treat of various skin allergies. The antioxidants present in the gold promote cell renewal by boosting oxygen levels in the cells.

Gold particles present in skin products boost blood circulation, thus imparting a nice glow to the skin.

Treats Skin Inflammations

Gold is a natural anti-inflammatory that has been used to treat skin inflammations, reduce swelling and remove redness. The extra oxygen stimulated by gold can reach deep into the skin and renew damaged cells. It’s antiseptic and antioxidant properties can heal skin rashes besides tackling skin allergies. The anti-inflammatory properties can also combat eye-related issues like puffiness.

Additional Skincare Benefits

Enhances Elasticity Of The Skin

Skin elasticity is the ability of the skin to stretch and return to its former shape. Collagen can play an important role in maintaining and improving elasticity while encouraging natural collagen production. Gold-infused skincare items contain an amazing mix of dynamic fixings that induce collagen thus promoting the process of skin’s elasticity.

Boosts Radiance

Gold has lightening effects on the dermal health, and it can make the skin glowing. It happens because gold particles reflect light and compounds present in the gold substance neutralize the reactions eventually enhancing the skin tone and radiance.

Reduces Blemishes And Dark Spots

Gold contains nanoparticles that have antioxidant properties. This makes the skin get rid of pesky blemishes and dark spots, letting the skin appear crystal clear.


Physicochemical Properties of Gold Nanoparticles for Skin Care Creams

  1. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
