Amidst an array of colours and flavors of Gujiyas, Malpuas, and several sumptuous delicacies, the entire country soaks itself in the festivity of Holi. After all, it is that one day when people forget about their caste, religion, and looks, happily smear gulal and splash colourful water on each other, without even worrying about protocols for taking permission to do so. In the middle of all this furor of playing with colours and eating all kinds of sweets, at the end of the day, it dawns upon us that while we were immersed in the furor, we may have risked our health, skin or hair and a few mild or grave infections might be lurking around.
Post-holi care

Also Read: Happy Holi 2022: Traditional Recipes You Should Relish On This Colourful Festive Day

From taking the colours off the dermis to washing those tresses full of harmful reds and blues, removing them is a tedious task. Most of them consist of chemicals. While it can get into the system in many unexpected ways, all these chemicals also absorb moisture from the skin making it flaky, dry, and prone to breakouts. Though we all try to buy organic gulal or make them at home, it is highly impossible that there is no exposure to unnatural colours when celebrating holi in public, unless we plan to not step out at all.

Also Read: Happy Holi 2021: Lip-Smacking Desi Snack Recipes For A Healthy And Colourful Celebration

Holi Borne Health Problems

As we all visit each other’s homes and eat all kinds of delicacies, we forget that market-bought Gujiyas and snacks may have ingredients that could harm our health. On top of that, when picking them up, we don’t wash hands that are host to many pathogens.

Here are 5 problems that you may encounter, on and after this loud bright festival:

Derma Allergies

Holi colours can lead to several skin allergies and rashes. Chemicals found in colours are harsh on the skin causing itching, dryness, acne, and dermatitis. They also contain silica or minuscule glass bits that can cause injuries. Overexposure to silver can be a potent cause of skin cancer.

Also Read: Skin Care: 5 Incredible Vegetable Peels That Bequeath A Gorgeous Glow – Infographic

Respiratory Issues

The festival brings ample chaos where people come to the house and smear colour on each other. Some of us try to resist which may or may not work. There is a very high possibility that the colour may get into the nose and mouth. Even if it is in little amounts, someone with an asthmatic problem or prone to allergies can have respiratory disorders due to this sudden chemical inhalation.

Chronic Hair Fall

After a daylong celebration, you would try to get rid of the colour by washing your hair many times with harsh shampoos and conditioners. Since the scalp is ripped off its natural oils, this can result in dryness, loss of hair, extreme brittleness, and dandruff.

Also Read: DIY Organic Colours: Create Your Own Homemade Holi Powders To Prevent Skin Allergies

Common Cold And Influenza

A festival that comes at the brink of winter bidding adieu but summer still a little away, a change of weather during holi can bring cold, cough, and bouts of flu. Playing with cold water is one of the main reasons many people catch a cold after Holi.

Stomach Infections

Who will say no to a sumptuous, hot Holi special Gujiya? But, more than where it was bought from; how it is eaten brings stomach troubles. Most of the time, we pop these sweets with bacteria-laden hands. Not only do we eat the Ghujiya, but also consume many pathogens and infections tagged along.

Also Read: Gastritis Diet: Here’s What You Should Eat And Avoid, To Ease Stomach Inflammation

Though the damage has been done, after Holi, our body needs a detox besides some precautions beforehand to minimize the chances of falling ill. Therefore, we bring some Holi care tips that will help you prevent severe skin and unexpected health problems you may face after the fun and frolic.

  • When playing Holi, after a round of customary gulal application at your own or someone’s house, wash your hands before grabbing a bite. Don’t take a chance with this habit
  • Protect the colour from getting into the eyes. Not only will it cause itching, but it may also lead to irreversible damage to the eyes. Avoid going to places where people are inebriated or nasty
  • For the ones who have sensitive skin and are prone to allergies, let the festival be a sober affair than a day full of over-exuberance
  • People with respiratory health problems or who are prone to colds should avoid getting drenched in water for long hours
  • Women with long hair should tie them or wear a scarf. Wash them at the earliest and possibly with warm water
  • Have a cup of warm herbal-infused drink or green tea, or a normal masala chai after taking a post-Holi shower
  • Do not eat wherever you see sweets that may have been offered to you as a tradition. While you may want to appear humble, it is best to choose wisely
  • Most beverages served on Holi may have bhang- a preparation made from cannabis plant leaves. Ask before you drink or skip if you are not sure