Be it morning sickness, a humongous meal, a long drive, a boat ride, stomach flu, excess acid secretion or just a hangover, that sudden uneasy and queasy feeling leading up to vomiting is never a pleasant experience and can dampen or ruin anyone’s mood in an instance. This uneasy sensation is called Nausea, whilst the expulsion of contaminated substances is called Vomiting, throwing up or emesis.

Although, the discomfort is usually related to pregnancy wherein 70 – 80 % of expectant mothers are likely to experience nausea, it can also affect otherwise healthy individuals. Vomiting and nausea are usually co-related to each other as sometimes after vomiting, nausea goes away whereas other times nausea may happen without any visible vomit. Nausea can be acute and short-lived, or it can be prolonged. When prolonged, it can even complicate the condition and cause dehydration.

Ayurvedic Remedies For Nausea

Ayurveda, a 5000-year-old remedial science refers nausea as hrillasa, a condition often accompanied by vomiting (chardi) and salivation (praseka) and is mostly associated with dosha imbalance and indigestion (ajirna). A perfect balance between the three doshas maintains good health in an individual. Although dreadfully uncomfortable, vomiting or nausea can sometimes be beneficial as it enables the body to get rid of toxic substances and is hence considered as one of the five principal modalities of Panchakarma therapy.

Both nausea and vomiting are often signs of high Pitta doshas in the stomach. The increased acid secretions may irritate the gastric mucous membrane which may result in the sickly feeling in the stomach and mouth leading up to emesis.

What Are The General Causes Of Nausea?

Nausea itself is not a disease but an underlying symptomatic condition that arises due to the following causative factors:

  • Pregnancy
  • Motion sickness
  • Sea-sickness
  • Emotional stress
  • Medication-induced vomiting
  • Intense pain
  • Food poisoning
  • GERD or heart burn
  • Stomach flu
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol
  • Medical conditions, including colds, infections, ulcers, organ diseases, & diabetes
  • Injuries to the brain and spinal column
  • Imbalance in the inner ear

With more and more people depending upon natural remedies owing to minimum side effects, Ayurveda is gaining immense popularity with passing time. Even nausea can be treated right at home with a handful of ingredients that are easily available in your kitchen cabinets.

Let’s dive in to know more about these natural remedies you can try at home to treat this uneasy sensation.

Home Remedies For Nausea


The rhizome obtained from Zingiber officinalis is undoubtedly one of the most notable ingredients that are excellent in case of stomach related anomalies including nausea, stomach pain and bloating. The volatile oils present in ginger not only aid in digestion but also tone muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and soothes the irritated lines of the stomach. This versatile herb can be chewed on fresh, added to daily cooking, or just brewed as a tea to enjoy the superb benefits.


The beautiful white flowers of this wondrous herb, Matricaria chamomilla is pivotal in case of stomach pain, nausea, and gas or bloating. Ayurveda, suggests the use of this herb for its calming and soothing effects, especially on childhood illnesses and stomach problems.
Also Read: 5 Astounding Benefits Of Chamomile That You Should Know

Just brew a cup of warm tea using dried chamomile petals and consume while having nausea to get relief at the earliest.


The bulk of anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and analgesic properties of the bark obtained from Cinnamomum verum hold high significance in cleansing the system and getting rid of any gastrointestinal problems that cause nausea. It also helps in enhancing digestion, prevent bloating and thus treat the underlying conditions that may cause nausea or vomiting.
Also Read: Cinnamon: 5 Ayurvedic Benefits of This Health Promoting Spice

Make a decoction by adding ¼ tsp cinnamon powder in a cup of warm water and drinking it up to subdue the symptoms of nausea.


Touted as pudina, the fresh leaves of Mentha species are widely used as a culinary ingredient for their distinctive flavor and wide range of therapeutic benefits. Owing to the cooling effect, and dosha balancing properties of the bio active ingredients, the herb is commonly used in Ayurvedic medications for indigestion and nausea. It also relaxes the gastric muscles and prevents them from over cramping.

Be it brewed as a tea, sucked on as candies or just smelled by rubbing the oil on the hand, the wealth of properties of this incredible herb is bound to reduce nauseated feeling in a jiffy.


The abundance of Vitamin C in the Indian gooseberry has made it the absolute solution of a number of health anomalies since ancient times. Be it nausea, vomiting, dizziness, or other digestive issues, amla offers a one-shot remedial immunity against a bulk of gastrointestinal problems. Not only does it regulate hormones but also balances digestive enzymes.

Right from taking it in the form of amla candies, amla juices or concocted into a murabba, this tangy fruit is considered the best in case of nausea.

Peppermint tea

Many types of teas have been used as a natural remedy to soothe stomach disorders and vomiting since antiquity. Peppermint tea is also one of them. It helps to treat discomfort and nausea owing to its anti-nausea effects. Adding a lime wedge to a peppermint tea can become an additional aid to get rid of this problem.

Lemon Wedges

Citrusy smells like those from freshly sliced lemon wedge can be very helpful to reduce pregnancy-related nausea. Dab a little salt and it can also be sucked slowly to reduce feeling of vomit. Alternatively, lemon essential oil can also be inhaled to soothe symptoms of nausea when expecting.


Fennel powder, fennel seeds and cumin extracts can help reduce nausea during menstruation. Extracts of both these spices have  polyphenols such as Rosmarinic acid that may help improve feeling of being nauseated which could be arising due to abdominal discomfort.


Nausea, the sickly feeling that often leads up to vomiting is quite common in every individual's life. But this uncomfortable situation can easily be avoided using home remedies like ginger, cinnamon, chamomile etc. Although these incredible ayurvedic remedies can be easily conjured right at your home, do consult a doctor before taking it in case you are pregnant or are suffering from any other health anomaly.